07|We're Being Punked Pedro Part 1

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We're Being Punked Pedro Part 1

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

We're Being Punked Pedro Part 1

Faith's voiceover
Sometimes we don't realise what we have done till we take a step back from reality and clear the mind letting Hope use dark magic in the sense she needed to was dangerous Ric was right she could of got hurt and with that promise I made to her dad I can't risk that I have to protect her.

The Salvatore School


Faith's POV

I was having a workout session in the gym trying to blow off some steam and anger plus due to the witches having there classes they were busy so I was kind of alone just with myself but sometimes that's how I like it.

It was quite peaceful just listen to my music until I see Ric come in I removed my head phones "what's up Ric" I enquired knowing he's not usually here unless it important "well Faith due to what happened yesterday with the game and with Hope I'm sending the kids to Mystic Falls to do some cleaning and I know you didn't do anything wrong but I was hoping you could head down there with them and make sure that they were alright" he finishes and I feel like after everything I owe it to Ric to do this it's the least he deserves.

"yeah Ric of course I would be happy to help and look I just wanted to apologise for yesterday I know I shouldn't have just let Hope do the black magic but I couldn't help it I feel the need to make her happy I mean we can feel each others emotion it's like we are connected in some weird way and I don't know how to control myself sometimes she my anchor and can always keep me grounded and calm" I finished feeling a little vulnerable.

"alright Faith all this clearly isn't normal after all this we can do some research and figure out what this is because I think it's more than just best friends caring about each other does that sound okay" Ric asked I looked up to him greatfully "yeah that would be great thank you so much Ric it means a lot" I tell him and give him a hug which he reciprocated.

Once we pull apart he looks at me again "alright come on we've got to go meet with the girls" Ric says and with the we walk off to the library.

The Salvatore Library

Once Ric and I hit the library with the girls it doesn't take long for Lizzie to start complaining there goes my thoughts again "this makes no sense dad why are we being punished" Lizzie complains "becauee you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here" Ric replied and I mean he wasn't wrong but I get they just wanted to play the game and not have to lose.

"I mean you weren't mad last night" Lizze says trying to get out of doing this service stuff "oh I was mad last night my undying love for my daughters just happen to trump my rage I volunteered everyone in the game and Faith is going with to supervise so stop complaining your lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time" Ric says causing the girls to look at me and I awkwardly smile and wave cause Hope to chuckle.

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