The unforeseen encounter of fate

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Kaede and Ryuu returned back to their room

Akari: Kaede! You're back!

Enju: Welcome back

Kaede: Thank you...... and..I'm sorry

Kaede bows her head

Myu: There's no need for that senpai

Tengge: All that matters is that you're okay now, right Lily?

Lily: Yes, I agree

Nanao: Yeah, so, what happened for you to have such a breakdown like that?

Kaede: Actually, let's all settle first, 

Kaede clears her throat and put up a straight face before telling her story


Achilles: So, you met a former Kakurasu member inside that building?

Achilles and Faye are in Mitsuro's library, sitting at one of the tables and talking about what happened

Faye: Exactly, from such times ago, In the fusty days, we hath used to best cater-cousins. I hath used to teach her such magnificent water Jutsu.

Achilles: Name?

Faye: Himiko, Kaede, the friend of the former 5th pillar from years ago, Ryuu Kazuo, also known for such raw and stout talent. Prodigy, to put it simply. Can thee imagine, a teen lad, joining the ranks of the upper echelons?

Achilles: That's commendable, Though the youngest I've seen in the History of Kakurasu is Tsukigoni Akali, The offspring of the now-deceased Haisen Jiguro, the first-ever member of the Satoru village.

Faye: Oh my, How old is she?

Achilles: 12 years old, Although she died at the age of 15, the cause of death being killed in a mission from 3000 years ago,

Faye: May her spirit rest in peace. 

She claps her hands together and closed her eyes

Achilles: Enough about that, About that old friend of yours, Why does it seem like it's the opposite?


Her eyes turned green, as she looked at Achilles with such an unpleasant gaze

Hakai: I used to teach her, you could call me her Sensei perhaps. From Jutsus to sword techniques and the using of unique weapons such as my weapon, a parasol. Although she was more fascinated by "hand fans" rather than what I was trying to teach her, parasol. Well, she used that weapon for years until she left.

Achilles: How did you meet?

Hakai: You're guessing it wasn't a normal meeting? I guess it's kinda. After I was released from my seal, I met them, they were already 15 years old. Kaede isn't the same as today's Kaede. She used to be very fragile, non-social, basically a weak child. We got to mission together, It's about eliminating a monster from another dimension, and they, together with the 5th pillar Ryuu, Were to go with me.

Achilles: I see, then?

Hakai: Since that time, they looking for placements for the 4 lower echelons, I thought it would be a good idea to teach this child. She seemed very unique, to say the least.

Achilles: Then you taught her Jutsu and other things you were talking about?

Hakai: Oh yes.

Achilles: Then, what happened between you two?

Hakai: Well she has gotten strong, she is now feared in the Kakurasu by the ninjas, She learned how to use the water Jutsu to its extent, and, Yasu gave her a forbidden Jutsu since Yasu knew she had talent. But... In the harshest of times, I lost my self again and history repeats itself, I decapitated many ninjas that she used to talk with, and even tried to kill her. I showed my grotesque side to everybody back there. If I remember correctly, the whole of pillars was needed just to seal me off again. I'm guessing that's the reason she's scared of me. I mean, who wouldn't be? Killing the friends you've made in front of you after walking through a thorny path just to get there, and what's more, turning into something you wouldn't want others to see.

Achilles: You have a point,

Just then, organ music plays throughout the cathedral. It's the signal that all the pillars are needed immediately in the main room. 

Hakai: Looks like our presence is needed.

Achilles: Let's go


The pillars all proceeded to walk the path, accompanied by several diminished chords along with a terrific melody by the organ. The ninjas all gathered and one of them shouts,

"The pillars are here!"

They all bowed down in unison.

(Tried to draw them all in my free time and Pardon if it isn't that good

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(Tried to draw them all in my free time and Pardon if it isn't that good. Tho, I hope you can visualize their appearance much better and I know how hard it is to accurately imagine a a characther by just the description s. These are the new line up of pillars starting from left, Shiouru all the way to the right, the 8th pillar, Achilles

Yasu: I missed this. That's right! Bow your heads down, Ah, I've missed this feeling, right Shiouru?

Shiouru: Don't get childish, show that you're really a respectable pillar rather than an arrogant old-man

Yasu: Too harsh, just too harsh

Faye: *giggles* thee shalt act in an oafish behavior Yasu, I agree with Shiouru

Yasu: I'm just enjoying the feeling, don't be a killjoy!!

Jin: Quiet, We are slowly approaching the Main room, and a lot of ninjas are watching us! Compose yourselves!

Yasu: *sigh* whatever. 

Kihiro: What do Master want from us?

Mitsuro: Who knows? Maybe another mission? I don't know nor I care

Kihiro: You're one hell of a pillar

Achilles: But, pillars usually do missions alone right?

Shiouru: Precisely, So-

Yasu: So I'm guessing this is a very important one!

Shiouru: Yasu..... you should really learn some manners

Yasu: Oh, right, right yeah, I know.

They arrived in front of the solid red door. Shiouru pushes the door open, revealing the master inside, sitting in the middle with his back turned to them.

Master: Pillars, you've all arrived at last

The pillars all entered one by one and sat in each of the chairs individually

Mitsuro: What's the purpose of this surprise meeting? I'm busy reading books in my library

Shiouru: Same as me, I'm busy sharpening my Katana

Master: I apologize for that, you two, But this is very important.

Yasu: How important are we talking about here?

Master: Much important than the missions you've had all together so far

Jin: So, what is this mission?

Master: This, will be the assassination of the ninja seeking club.

Yasu: Ah I see, good old assassination, but, Why do we all have to go?

Master: Their abilities are not to be underestimated you know, It might be our disadvantage if we send only a single pillar, and, this assassination will happen in a public place

Achilles: That explains another reason why you want all the pillars in this mission

Master: Precisely, now, let's get into the details.

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now