Vacation ( The Underground Findings ) (5)

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After 2 days of continuous looking, we managed to break down the clues into their last. 

Ryuu: And, here!

Ryuu took out a sword from a boulder.

Lily: Maybe this is the one we need to cut it in half. 

Tengge: What are we waiting for?

We made our way to that previous cave we saw.

We came upon several guests trying to crack codes and look for clues in the bushes. 

Nanao: Do you think all 3 treasures are inside the cave? 

Nanao whispered to me as we walked.

Kazuki: Perhaps not, otherwise this would be quite easy. 

Just then, we received a message from their page that 2 people already found the two treasures. 

Kazuki: Wow, maybe this was the last treasure after all. 

Then, we arrived in front of the entrance.

Ryuu: Here, Kazuki.

He handed me the sword.

I get into position and in one downward motion, the boulder suddenly cracks in two halves, then into several small pieces.

Ricka: I-It's dark.

Ricka held my arm tightly. 

Kazuki: Let's go, Ricka.

We ventured into the dark cave. The only light guiding us was from the dimly lit torch scattered all throughout. 

And then, we came upon the  5-way system in a cave.

Akara: This is... what?!?!

There are 5 entrances in front of us, with no difference between them whatsoever. 

Lily: I think we should split up.

Tengge: I agree. We should message each other about what we can find.

Akari: Hmm... Any objections? None? 

We split up into 5 groups.

Akari, Enju, Lily, Cy

Tengge, Airi, Haruto

Myu, Ricka, Nanao

Iroha, Kaede, Ryuu, 

Me, Yamabuki, and Hotaru 

With these groups formed, we ventured deeper into the dark cave.


Kazuki, Yamabuki, and Hotaru walked down the dark systems of the cave, with only bright flashlights guiding them.

Hotaru: This is like, super scary and never ending!!

Yamabuki: Yeah, it feels like we've been going on forever. 

Just as they were about to turn around and go back, a strong and putrid stench filled their noses, which caused them to gag.

Hotaru: W-What is this?!?!?

Kazuki: This almost smells like the smell of a rotting body! 

Yamabuki: Summoning Jutsu!

Yamabuki summoned several masks for them to somehow decrease the putridness of the smell.

They wore this and decided to continue walking forward. They are curious as to what caused this putrid smell, and as they got closer, and closer to the source, it also became stronger and stronger.

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