The Pathway DownHill (Why you shouldn't look down) (13)

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Lily: Well, then, let's go!

And so, all of them dispersed.


Lily POV.

Walking through the narrow alleys, and eventually arriving at the park, I could see the trail of her Jutsu descend.

Which means that just a few meters away from me, she could be there!

I immediately ran, still following the bluish tint. It was getting lower and lower, until eventually, I could see the blueish line at my height.

I followed it and continued running until it eventually brought me to Mizaki High.

Lily: This is bad...

I grabbed my communication device and turned it on. The sound of static filled my ear, as Elly's voice followed right after.

Elly: Did you find anything?

Tengge: I haven't found anything on my end. I'm still on my way.

Elly: Noted. What about you, Lily?

Lily: The Trail leads to Mizaki High School.

Elly: Okay. Don't do anything rashly before we arrive.

Lily: Alright-

Just then, I saw a faint movement in the corner of my eye.

It was nighttime so I couldn't see clearly, but I swear I noticed something move.

It was on the other side, the Building for the 3rd-years.

Suspicious, I slowly walked over to the third-year building. After walking through the grassy fields for a few seconds, the bluish light manifested itself.

Its trail eventually leads to the third-year building as I suspected.

I need to follow her right now.

If I phone them right now and wait for them to arrive, she might get away.

However, if I faced her alone, I might suffer the consequences. I don't know anything about her and her powers, so it's too much of a risk.

But then again, this could be the only chance to save them.

After weighing my options, I decided to follow her inside.

I entered the third-year building and greeting me was the uncanny atmosphere of dread, dark halls filled with unseen fear, hiding within the shadow corners. The only light I have is none other than the moonlight and her now shining blueish light trail.

I can't afford to open the lights and reveal my location to her.

That being said, I carefully and silently followed the blue trail.

I walked through the creepy corridors within the building, cautiously peeking into the turning hallways. The sounds surrounding me were eerily quiet, aside from the momentary chirps from my nocturnal friends.

The light rose and rose through the stairs until it eventually led me to the top floor, in our own classroom.

The door was opened, and the moonlight was shining brightly through it.

I cautiously took a peek inside. It was the usual classroom setting, with all the chairs and tables fixed in an organized manner.

But, amidst that, was a figure who sat at the seat where Kazuki sits.

The trail of bluish light stops in its tracks on that figure. 

The moonlight acts as a spotlight for her, only illuminating her small figure. 

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now