Catastrophic train (Capabilities of the new pillar) (6)

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Achilles: Free moves... You're pretty good, aren't you?

Sen: Oh? You're making me blush,

Achilles: I thought you're not into guys?

Sen: Oh Yes I'm not,

They are now on the roof of the train,

Sen: And... Looks like we're almost out of the cave.

There was a small and faint light in the distance.

Achilles: 9:37 Minutes before we arrive

Sen: Less than 10 minutes huh?

"(I hope by the time we arrive, Myu already regained her energy)"

Sen thought to himself, looking worried at what might happen if Myu doesn't regain her energy. But despite that, He still kept up a cool look in front of his enemy

Achilles: So, What are you gonna do now? 

Sen: I'll just rest here. Go on and do your thing.

Achilles: Oh?

Sen sat on his butt and spreads his arms out.

Achilles: You're very similar to the pillars, doing ridiculous unnecessary provocation in front of their enemy, That will bite you back!

Achilles lunges towards him, scissors in hand. Sen quickly jumped on his feet and deflected his attack.

Sen: Did you really think I'm gonna let my guard down?

Achilles: As I thought

They jumped back before lunging at each other once more. They continue to clash their small blades and at one point, Achilles did a roundhouse kick, in which Sen ducked down and countered, striking him on the abdomen. He grabbed Sen's hand and pinned him on the ground

Achilles: Martial arts? Don't you have Jutsus to use?

Sen: I hate to say it but-

Using his other hand, he grabbed the hand pinning him, and turned things around.

Sen: I only have 2 Jutsus and I can't use it for a mere battle with a weakling

He pins him on the ground as his other hand reached for his pocket to grab his handcuff but,

Achilles: "Weakling", huh?

Achilles summoned his scissors in his hand and spun it around, forcing Sen to move back. 

Sen: Just how many scissors do you have?!

Achilles: Lots and Lots, too many to count.

He summoned 5 more scissors, floating around him. But this time, the scissors were covered in bright flames.

Sen: Fire Jutsu Huh?

Achilles: Die!

In his signal, all the blazing blades were launched towards him. He gets into a defensive position and slowly but surely, deflected all the scissors coming in his way. Achilles took this opportunity and lunged towards him along with the flying scissors. It's now a double attack. Sen first blocked his attack on his right hand while he deflected the scissors on his left hand. Achilles then strikes a kick on his side, with Sen's hands full and unable to block, He was almost thrown off the train and almost fell into the deep abyss. Luckily, His hand managed to grab the edge of the roof to hold on.

Achilles: Bye.

As he was about to step on it, Sen pulled himself back up and jumped right above Achilles, throwing several kunais as he did. Achilles deflected every kunais as Sen lands on his feet safely on the other side of the train.

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