Schooldays (Note from beyond to Mizaki ) (5)

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"Mizaki high,

Standeth up and prepareth, for such feast is happening.  At the full moon of this month, the moon shall turneth red, and so thy lands.  Principal, and inhorn man council, as well as the temporary teacher-in-charge, I'll await our meeteth!"

Hag: "This is most likely a declaration of war to Mizaki high"

Enju: "To our school?!"

Principal: "And worst-case scenario, is that Mizaki students and teachers will be involved, and we don't want that"

Tengge: "Certainly, we don't want innocent people involved in this case"

Myu: But, how should we deal with this?"

Principal: "That's what we are currently racking our head with. What do you suggest?"

Ryuu: "Facing them head-on is sky-high risky. We don't want that"

Kaede: " But what could we do aside from that?

Kazuki: "What do they want from Mizaki High?"

Hag: " Sorry lad, that wasn't mentioned in the note" 

Airi: " There could be a hidden meaning in that message", 

Haruto: "Yeah! Kakurasu likes having secret meanings in their message"

Hag: "I see. So, Since we're out of options, I want us all to work together and crack this supposed hidden meaning."

Everyone: "Got it!"

We left the room along with the note sent to us.


"Matsutoki, I'm surprised you didn't tell them about the other note."

Hag turned around and frowned.

"Like the note states, it's only for our eyes, who knows if they're watching us"

"You have a point there. Can I see it once more?"

The principal hands Kikuko the other note.

"For the eyes of the honorable principal and Kikuko Hattori only,

We desire to has't a meet-up to signeth a contracteth of peace at the former yatagarasu hideout later on at 1 in the afternoon.  We shalt alloweth only the presence of 5 people.  And on our side, only 1 shall maketh the compliment extern.  Nonetheless, if 't be true the contracteth isn't signed, the noteth I earlier gaveth shall befall.  I desire to seeth thee there.Dorobune Shrine"

"Contract huh?"

Kikuko said as she said, there's a look of concern in her expression. 

"Who knows what they might ask in return, I'm hesitant."

"I know. I am too. The note says we can bring about 5 people, who do you have in mind?"

"Araya, Kurenai and Tayu."

"I see. Inform them about this!"

"Got it!"

Kikuko grabbed her phone and dialed each of the village head Matsutoki mentioned.


"How do we figure out the secret meaning behind this? We can't even understand their language properly!"

Akari said as she flips the note over and over to look for clues. 

"Is it certain that there's something hidden there?"

Enju asked. 

"No there isn't"

The door opened and Sen entered inside.

Myu: "M-MEA leader!"

Sen: " I overheard your conversation in the principal. A hidden message within this message? There's no such thing" 

Ryuu: " Would you elaborate?"

Sen: " Listen carefully, this paper is made from a special material. I forgot what it is called but it's different from a normal paper. And along with a special ink, some writings can be concealed within the human's eye. 

He then grabbed a bottled water from the table and opened it, then poured the water all over the paper

"The paper isn't ripping, despite having that much water poured into it. "

He then flaps the paper up and down. 

"And here is what I'm talking about. 

He shows the paper. The previous message was overwritten by another writing.

"32.4738° N, 148.2033° E"

Tengge: "It's a latitude of a location!"

Sen: " That's right. 

He then takes out the paper he shown us yesterday, 

"I also did the same to this paper. The writing was  III-__, which I figure would pertain to the time."

Akari:" I get it now!!!"

Sen: "Now, let's get to work!"


After a few minutes of trying to solve the latitude,

Ricka: "T-This is...

Sen: " This MEA'S location.

Lily: "That connects it. They want to attack the MEA. 

Myu: "But, why would they bother sending many messages? Didn't they already said that they plan to attack MEA in their other note?"

Sen: " That's something we can't solve. I can't see them trying to confuse us.


"How foolish!!HAHAHAHAH"

Yasu laughs hard as he watched the ninja seeking club try and crack their puzzle

"I can't believe they fell for it."

Mitsuro stated in amusement.

Jin: "Shall we make our move then?"

Kihiro: "We should. They're already scattered and no one strong is within the MEA. This is the perfect chance to strike.

Achilles: "I'll go on ahead, I still have to sign the "contract".

Kaori: "Good luck!"

Shiouru: "Let's move out"

They all stood up from their seats, but Yasu didn't

"Yasu, what are you doing?"

Shiouru turned around and asked Yasu as the other pillars left the room. 

"I'm just complimenting myself for being a genius for confusing the smartest ninja, Sen"

"That's not even worth the compliment. All you did was think simple, no hard puzzles and used our history of having puzzling writings to confuse them into thinking that sending several messages instead of one has a hidden meaning"

'Killjoy. Anyway, I'll just compliment myself along the way, let's go!"

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