Ancestor and Descendant (2) (Black and White)

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And in the blink of an eye, he vanished. 

Nanao POV

He disappeared in front of us. 

I remember Kazuki telling me about sensing where someone is about to attack. 


Kazuki: If an opponent is not visible on the battlefield, close your eyes and focus on your surroundings. Then soon, you'll hear even the slightest movements. Even just the movement of the air will be audible.


I did what he said. I closed my eyes and tried to analyze my surroundings. Although, I highly doubt that this will work. He's a legendary ninja and I'm just a random weak ninja.

But, to my surprise, I could hear everything around me. Even the slight gush of the wind echoed throughout my eardrums. 

T-This is quite amazing.

Then, among those natural sounds, I hear something different. 

It's the sound of a sword slowly being swung.

It's... behind me!

I instinctively dodged forward. I slightly looked back while still in mid-air, and sure enough, he tried to attack me from behind. 

Mitsuro: How...?

He looked at me with an annoyed face, before once again disappearing. 

I closed my eyes again as I landed.

From above!

Then, from the side!

I was now getting used to his attack patterns, and can quite dodge them.

At this point, we're just playing tag! I need to somehow counter-attack.

Nanao: Kaede, please take care of them. Mitsuro wants me, and I can take care of him.

I gave her the most reassuring smile my lips can give, and fortunately, she followed.

They hid behind the nearby bush.

I looked at Mitsuro. He seemed annoyed. Well, that's good.

Mitsuro: Fine.

He extends his one foot behind him and began charging at me, albeit not as fast as earlier.

As he was quite near me, I jumped above to dodge, but.

Nanao: Huh?

He didn't even try to swing his sword at me. He just continued running. Huh?


Then, I noticed the direction that he was going into is... toward Kaede!

While still in mid-air, I pulled my bow and summoned an energy arrow. I aimed for his head as he was running and as I was sure about my aim, I released the arrow, and shoot it at him. 

It's in his blind spot, which means he can't see it. I hope it hits him.

But, with just a small inch difference between his head and the arrow, he slightly looked back at me.

Did he notice my arrow?

And suddenly, he disappeared.

Wait, What?!

Kaede: Behind you, Nanao!!!

Nanao: Huh?

I slowly turned around and just like what Kaede said, he was behind me with his blue blade.

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now