The loose strings that connect ( The HoNaZuki ) (6)

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Kihiro: Yes, They won't come for me. Although, I won't complain about being locked up here forever.

I said I as summoned a manga and on the ground.

Sen: Sure sure, enjoy your days, you'll be put on death trial.

Kihiro: I wonder how you think you can kill me...

Sen: Well, it'll be a surprise, don't worry.

Knock* knock*

There was a knock at the door.

Sen: Come in,

Opening the door and coming inside were the four previous members of the Kakurasu. Ryuu, Kaede, Haruto, Airi.

Ryuu: How do you enjoy being sealed?

Kihiro: I'm fine with being sealed forever.

Ryuu: Not forever, you'll die soon enough.

He said as he stabbed me in the head. It hurts quite a bit.

Kihiro: I'll cheer you up on that.

Ryuu: Thanks.

They soon left the room, except for Kaede who decided to stay. She threw me a melon bread,

Kaede: That'll help while you're in there.

She said as she smiled, and left the room.

Kihiro: I don't eat, but thanks.

Sen: That is your last meal. She knows it was your favorite.

Kihiro: I see, then, thanks.

Poison can't kill me. I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a bite.


The next morning.

Kazuki POV

It was now the next morning, they were getting ready to have a morning jog.

As for me, I planned on training my Homura. That's one of my key jutsus now, I need to perfect it.

But then, Nanao and Hotaru came to me, wearing their garbs.

Kazuki: Oh, why are you two here? 

Hotaru: We said we also want to train. 

Nanao: Y-Yeah...

Nanao still looks a little bit disturbed and shy. 

Hotaru. It's because we want to try a little combination.

Kazuki: Combination?

Hotaru: Yep, we thought we could all combine our jutsu together.

Kazuki: Seems interesting. How exactly?

Hotaru placed us in a position where I'm beside Nanao, while she is on the other side. 

Hotaru: Now, the way we do this is that, first, you light up Nanao's arrow with your Homura, then, Nanao will shoot that arrow through my mirror, which will enhance the powers of the arrow. 

Kazuki: Seems easy enough. Let's do it.

I also noticed that Nanao doesn't have any arrows. Instead, she manifests or creates her arrow from her own energy, drain. Which is why she doesn't need any physical arrows. That's Nanao for you.

Now then, I focused my energy on my hand,

Kazuki: Homura!

I felt a sharp pain in the chest along with the manifestation of the Homura in my hand. Then, I combined it with Nanao's green arrow. Once they combined, they turned into a stronger yellow energy force. 

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now