The Bloodthirsty Savage (Miracles) (2)

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"How are you, Momochi?"

Shiouru greeted, in his deep and tenacious voice.

Myu took a step back.

This is where the eerie presence was coming from. It was from Shiouru.

"Do you know where is the Inazumo stone?"

"I-I don't" She replied reluctantly.

"I see."

Shiouru looks at Myu.

"It seems like you're not lying. You should go."

Shiouru turned around and was slowly walking away when suddenly, Myu yelled out,

"Don't go walking away!"

This made Shiouru stop in his tracks.

He slowly turned around and looked at Myu in the eye.

"What is it, Momochi?"

Myu finds herself speechless. She tried speaking, but no words would come out of her mouth.

She doesn't want to let Shiouru go. She thinks that if she lets Shiouru go, he'll massacre another group of people. She's willing to sacrifice herself by buying some time for them to escape.

"If you do not need anything from me, please-

Before he could finish his sentence, he vanished from thin air.

" W-What?! "

Myu began panicking, looking for him.

But, before she could spot him, he reappeared behind her.

" Please refrain from calling me. " Shiouru continued.

As he said that, Myu felt weird.

It's like her body is not connected to her head anymore.

Soon, a severe and deep wound slowly appeared on her neck and, her head slides down.

Shiouru decapitated her before she could even react.

"You're talents were wasted, Momochi."

Her decapitated head fell to the ground, and her body also fell lifelessly.

Shiouru slowly walked away from the scene again, as if nothing happened at all.


Kaede, Kihiro, and the Momochi Couple ran.

They are looking for everyone.

Kihiro: Over here!

Kihiro pointed at the turn corner. It seems like she remembered the path.

But, as they turned, they saw someone very familiar, especially to Kaede, lying on the ground.

Kaede: R-Ryuu?!

Tayu: O-Oh my, 

Tayu gasped and covered her mouth, shocked by what she saw.

It was Ryuu, with his chest severely bleeding and his eyes, opened yet lifeless.

Kaede: Ryuu!!!

Kaede immediately rushed up to him with tears slowly forming in her eyes. Frantic and scared, she scrambled to use her healing Jutsu.

Kihiro: That will not work, Kaede!

Kihiro steps in and takes a look at the wound.

Kaede: P-Please, h-help him!

She's scared and shocked. Her heart is beating so loud with her chest getting tighter and tighter, making it harder for her to breathe. Moreover, tears continue to fall from her eyes, as It's like her heart was slowly being crushed. 

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now