He, who greeds (1)

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Nanao: T-This is absurd!

Myu: H-He looks very different.

Kaede: I never knew his forbidden Jutsu was like this.

Mitsuro: Cool, right?

Sword: Stop the talk-talk! I want the eat-eat!!

Mitsuro: Fine,

Using all of his force, he smashed the ground using the huge sword.


This caused a huge crack in the ground.

Airi: This is inhuman!

All of them jumped to the side.

Sword: See this strength? With this, you could easily split mountains into two.

Mitsuro: Just shut up,

Kaede: With such force, he could easily kill us!

Airi: But, look at the brighter side. He's not as fast as he is previously.

Myu: Perhaps we could use this to create combined counterattacks.

Nanao: Let's try.

Sword: You lass should shut your mouths!

Then, the mouth opened, much bigger than earlier, then a ball of fire soon began gathering.

He shoots it toward them.

They all scrambled their way to the side, dodging the fire. 

Mitsuro: This is why I hate you, Don'yoku.

Sword: What!?

Mitsuro jumped towards Nanao. Unlike earlier, he wasn't as fast. He was slow, to the point that Nanao can dodge his attack even without looking.

Nanao: Hiya!

As she dodged, she counter-attacked by firing five arrows simultaneously. 

Sword: Is this kid insulting us? Thinking she can defeat us with mere arrows?

The sword rapidly munched over Nanao's arrows. 

Then, the sword opened its mouth again and shoots the same arrow that Nanao used

Nanao: W-What?!

Kaede: It can devour your attack and reflect it back on you!

Nanao rolled to the side, dodging the arrows. 


Suddenly, a huge explosion was heard throughout as the arrows hit the tree.

Myu: Eh?! How did it explode?

Mitsuro: The Don'yoku devours any type of attack, and before launching it back again, it adds a touch of demonic energy to it, hence making the attack stronger. 

Sword: Hey! Enough talking, more fighting!

Mitsuro raised his sword up in the air, and with greater force, smashed it onto the ground. As soon as his blade touched the ground, the ground shook violently like an earthquake, setting the ninja-seeking club off-balanced.

Kaede: Jump back! There will be a follow-up!

Kaede and Nanao managed to jump back but Airi and Myu were caught up in the shaking.

Nanao: Myu!!! Airi!!

Mitsuro: Pitiful kids.

As the ground was still shaking, Mitsuru swings his sword horizontally, and soon enough, a barrage of slashes manifested along the battlefield, severely wounding Myu and Airi all over their body, and throwing them quite far away. 

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now