The loose strings that connect ( The songs of the lake) (4)

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Enju: I see. Ryuu-san, do you have any ideas?

Ryuu: Hmm, I have, but it's just a theory.

Maybe, what she did there was combine her drain with her bow and arrow. Like, instead of leeching the enemy's energy using the force from her hands, she instead embeds it on her arrow, and it will represent itself as a green flame, resulting in a much stronger version of her original drain. Now, for the wounds, maybe because you're not used to that technique yet.

Tengge: That makes sense,

Ryuu: That Jutsu will be very helpful if mastered.

Yamabuki: Yeah! I mean, when we fought Jin, Nanao's drain did an impact on that guy.

Ryuu: W-Wait?

Yamabuki: Yeah! I don't know what happened back there, but Jin had no choice but to retreat because of her drain!

Nanao: Y-Yeah. Anyway, let's about this later! Don't worry about it...

Lily: If you say so. Anyway, There's a lake down the mountain where we could go fishing. I think it'll be great training and at the same time, a good recreational activity.

Myu: I agree,

Hotaru: I'm down!

With everyone agreeing, we went down the mountain and saw a big lake. Yamabuki summoned several rods for each of us. We began fishing and it was quite fun.

We also played some hide and seek. Myu was pretty hard to find. When all of us would get the seeker role, only Myu would not be found.

After that, we went to get some wood for the upcoming night.

And now, it's finally 6 pm, and we can see the orange sunset, slowly sinking into the clouds.

It's beautiful.

We set up our fire camp and then proceeded to cook our food there. Typical, roasted foods, smores, and many more. And once the clock hit 7:30 pm,

We proceeded with the typical horror story stuff. And yeah, it was fun seeing Ricka tremble over and over again. On the contrary, Myu's eyes lit up with every story, especially Yamabuki's story about the horrors haunting the club room in the night. 

9 pm Finally came, and we decided it was time to rest

But, I don't feel like resting. I got out of my tent, and nobody was outside anymore. Except for Nanao, who for some reason, wasn't in the tent. 

I walked into the darkness, trying to look for her. As I walked down the mountain, I heard a familiar singing voice singing the opening of rent-a-girlfriend. I walked down in the direction of where it was coming from and it brought me to the lake we fished earlier. 

There, I could see Nanao's silhouette, standing, and singing.

It was an angel singing, you know, the typical anime things, where you go to the nearby lake, and you see a beautiful elf singing in the lake filled with beautiful dragonflies, this view was like that.

I slowly walked up to her and looks like she noticed my presence. She slowly turned back, with her hair being carried by the wind, her gorgeous yellow eyes glimmering, being illuminated by the shining moonlight.

She's really like an angel.

Kazuki: What are you doing here?

I asked as I slowly walked towards her. 

Seems like she was startled.

Nanao: K-Kazuki, what are you doing here? 

Her voice is still before, shy, embarrassed. 

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora