Vacation (Going back to Mizaki High as students!) (1)

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"So with these being said, what's the probability that you will land the dice on a 5?"

Our math teacher asks.

We are currently discussing Probabilities.

And of course, I don't understand a single thing!

I could only look over in amusement to see the rest of the ninja-seeking club focused on listening and writing, of course, except Ricka.

Argh. They said the Final exams are finally coming closer and closer. If I'm correct, it will be held the week after the next.

And here I am, learning nothing from the whole school year.

Argh! This is Kakurasu's fault!

All I wanted was a peaceful life and a popular with girls life-

Just as I was imagining myself, I felt a strong, sharp pain on my forehead.


I instinctively held my forehead with both hands.

"Mr. Araya, it looks like your mind wasn't paying attention in my class. That is a big no-no, right?

Talking to me was Sen.

In case you didn't know, Sen took a part-time teaching job here at the Mizaki school to ensure protection for us.

"If that happens again, the next thing you'll know is that you're gonna be standing outside."

He turned his back again and proceeds to write on the board.


The class had finished, and so I find myself walking in the corridors, on my way to the ninja-seeking club. There was a new Science teacher. Her name was Chihiro Kakuhira

She was a timid, and gentle woman, having light purple hair and green eyes, along with a cute red eyeglass.

Seriously, she was so cute!

Just as I was imagining her, I heard someone call out to me from behind. I turned around and it was Ms. Kakuhira, holding several heavy books in her hand.

"H-Hey, can you help me with these?"

"Of course!"

I rushed up to her and took about 3/4's of her entire carriage.

"You're quite strong, aren't you, Mr. Araya?"

She said as she giggle.

She's really cute!

We walked inside the faculty and I placed the books on her table. From across the room, I saw Sen, glued to his monitor as he taps the keyboard at an inhuman speed.

"Thanks for the help, Mr. Araya. Please take this as a token of my appreciation."

She handed me thousands of Yen.

"W-Wait Maam! I can't possibly accept this!

"I insist please."

"I mean, this is too-."

"Take it, please."

She bowed her head.

"P-Please raise your head up! T-Thank you."

I left the faculty room with a mixed-emotion grin.

I felt somewhat happy because I've needed money ever since a new movie came out. But, on the contrary, I felt somewhat hesitant, because just for carrying books, she gives me an abundant amount of cash.


I arrived at the club room and saw only Enju at the club room, her eyes glued to a book.

"Hey Enju,"

I greeted as I waved my hand.

"Oh, hello there Kazuki."

"Where are the others?"

" Since there's a week's break from school, they decided to look for an activity for the ninja-seeking club. "

" I see. Why didn't you come with them, though? "

" Then can handle themselves. Besides, I can't really go since I have to be here. What about you?"

"Well, to be honest, I didn't know."

"That's odd. Akari has been blabbering all day about how she wants you to come with them."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes. Anyway, you can go home for now. I don't think they are coming back soon."

Leaving? Nah, I don't really have much to do at my dorm. Perhaps I'll just stay here with Enju.

"Nah. I'll just stay here with you."

"Go on.'

I took a seat across from Enju and looked at her. She's looking really mature as she reads her book.

"W-What are you staring for?"

Now looking back at me, she said, with a slight redness on her cheeks.


I can't tell her that I thought she looked attractive for a second, or else she might electrocute me!

"I see."

With those last words of hers, silence filled the air between us.

This is quite awkward. I need to think of a topic to cease the awkwardness.

"Hye uhm,"

Just as I opened my mouth to speak, the door swung open.

Akari: We found the perfect vacation spot!

Entering was Akari, and behind her was the rest of the ninja-seeking club, entering one by one.

Enju: Hello there. What kind of vacation break do you have for us?

Yamabuki: Spoiler alert, yer really gonna love this, Kazuki.

Kazuki: Huh?

Akari: There is a beach down the province! We inquired and we can stay there for a week! I've already paid the necessary prices.

Enju: Paid?! How much did you pay?

Akari: Only about 30,000 yen. Hehe.

Enju: What?!

Enju turns to Lily and frowned at her.

Lily: I did what I could.

Enju: That much money, *sigh*

Yamabuki: Come on, don't be a wet blanket! It's been a while since we felt our student life, donctha think?

Enju: Nghnn...

Yamabuki: Plus, the rest of the ninja-seeking club agreed, right?

Everyone nods their head.

Enju: Fine. Just this one time.

Akari: Yehey! Then off we go tomorrow!

Enju: Tomorrow?!?!

Akari: Yeah! The sooner the better!

And with those plans in mind, we prepared ourselves.

Beach huh? I haven't been to one since last year.


We called John about the plans, but unfortunately, he has some other plans.

We rented two vans in total.

In the first van, we have Kaede, Ryuu, Haruto, Airi, Ricka Tengge, Lily, and Cy.

While on the second van, It consists of Me, Hotaru, Akari, Enju, Nanao, Myu, and Yamabuki.

And here I am, sitting in the front.

As we traveled on our way to our destination, the girls all fell asleep. Maybe all woke up early and they are now tired.

As for me, I'm still pondering about something. It's about their next move.

The stealing of the Shinzumo stone.

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now