The loose strings that connect (She, who manipulates) (Final)

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At the MEA Headquarters. 

Kihiro POV

Sen tried many things to kill me but to no avail. I  was always either severely wounded, or unwounded, with no in-between, and no death. 

Kihiro: Are you guys done yet? I can't eat my melon bread in peace.

I said as I yawned. 

I love seeing the disappointment in their eyes. I love you it. 

Sen lets out a deep sigh.

It's fun seeing these guys let out their deepest sighs of anger.

Just then, I felt a severe burning pain in my back, where my pillar mark is.

I screamed in pain, so loud that it created an earthquake, and broke several glasses.

Then, the pain stopped. 

T-This is a sign, I've been removed as a pillar. 

But still, even though I am removed as a pillar, I possess the powers I have. I test this out, 

In one snap, I turned into Kaede. 

Then into Kazuki, then into Sen. Yep, I still have it. 

I wonder who they replaced me with. Maybe I can help in bringing them down. 

Kihiro: I wonder though, how you kids plan on killing Kaori. Yin-yang is not something to be messed with. Well then, I guess you need my help.

Sen: We don't

Kihiro: You do realize that I'm your only lead, right? I know them, their weaknesses, their locations, and many more. 

Sen: So what if you know?

Kihiro: Then that makes me a valuable piece, doesn't it? After all, you are unable to recover from their attacks. How can you defeat them without knowing about them?

Sen: We'll do that on our own.

Kihiro: You say that, you can't even win against them. Half of this MEA was roughly destroyed by them. 

Sen: Shut up!

He exclaimed angrily. 

Kihiro: I only want one thing Sen, and it wouldn't hurt to listen. 

He remained silent.

Kihiro: I only want the revival of the ancient Yabusame clan. 

The Genesis Kashiwa Codex contains the infamous Jutsu of Revival. 

I haven't taken a peak yet, but I could overhear them about the revival jutsu.

Just revive my beloved clan, then, we'll part ways. 

Well in return, I'll tell you everything you need to know. 

Sen looked at me for a while, before saying.

Sen: I don't trust you, but, I'm willing to make a pact.

A pact. This is a system where in two ninjas will agree to a certain thing until their similar goals are reached. If one of the ninjas breaks the pact, they will receive the automatic death penalty. 

Kihiro: Fine by me. 

Sen brought out a paper pact seal, and we both dropped our blood on it. Then, we said what we want and the conditions.

Sen: Do not harm any ninjas except for the Kakurasu, and you mustn't lie when being asked ninja-related questions. The goal is, to defeat the Kakurasu

Kihiro: I will remain an ally for the remainder of this war. Every time I'm in this cell, give me at least 2 melon bread a day. The goal is the revival of my beloved clan. 

Then, a light flashed throughout the room. Then, the pact was sealed.

Kihiro: So, where do you want to start? 

Sen: The white-haired girl, what're the powers of that woman? Remember that the pact can kill you when you are lying.

Kihiro: Haha, fine. 

Yin-Yang. I don't fully understand her, but I know a few things. 

Firstly, Kaori Tokukashi has a double persona, Faye and Hakai.

Secondly, the two personas, Faye and Hakai, are the wielders of the Yang, the white side. Now, let's break this down.

When we are talking about the Yang or the white side, we are talking about her side where she uses her parasol. This is usually where she uses her parasol and the monster inside it as her weapons. 

While on Yin, the persona that uses this is Kaori. This is where she'll transform into a demon and is capable of copying the jutsus of those touched by the link of her Parasol in her yang state. So for example, she linked me to her Yang state, and she can now use my power for a long time. Take note that she can use two powers simultaneously and the attributes, the damage of her powers depends on her own strength. 

Now, she isn't sealed for no reason. She's just that strong.

I saw Sen was taking notes. 

Kihiro: I hope you understood.

Sen: Get up, I'm taking you outside.

Kihiro: Oh, really? Aren't you scared that I'll escape and betray you?

Sen: Nope. 

He opens the cell and signaled me to move outside. 

Well, I don't plan on betraying these kids, unless of course, the pact of the revival is destroyed. 

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now