Ancestor and Descendant ( Water's Wrath ) (1)

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Nanao POV

30 Minutes have passed since we started training. I could feel my body getting tired.

Kaede and Myu still go for it. 

*Sigh* I'm quite envious of how long they can last in battle. They have powerful Jutsu yet I only have my arrow. My life must be a curse. 

As I sighed, I heard several animal footsteps and birds flying away from the side behind me. 

I wonder what's happening.

I stood up and walked towards the woods to find out what was going on.

Then, I came upon a clearing.

I moved several branches to the side to fully see what was happening in the clearing. 

To my horror, I saw all of the MEA guards dead, with their limbs cut, and the cause of this was the figure standing in the middle.

Mitsuro Kashiwa. 

Nanao: E-Eeek!!!

I screamed in panic as I ran back to the others.

The others were looking at me with concern as I arrived.

Kaede: What happened?

Myu: Are you okay, Nanao-Senpai?

Nanao: A-A pillar is here!

Just as I spoke those words, I thereupon heard several footsteps behind me.


Mitsuro dashed through the trees, slashing each branch he came upon.

Then, he spotted the ninja-seeking club and his descendant, Nanao Kashima.

He stopped in his tracks and stood in front of them.

Kaede: Mitsuro!

They all entered a defensive stance, 

Airi: What the hell are you doing here?!

Mitsuro only looked at them lifelessly. 

Mitsuro: What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you all here.


Mitsuro: So silent. Anyway, you,

He pointed at Nanao,

Mitsuro: You do possess the drain jutsu, right?

Nanao ignores him and just glares at him.

Mitsuro: I learned it too, thanks to the Genesis Kashiwa Codex. It is indeed strong.

He unsheathes his sword and raised it high in the air with one hand. Soon, a green form of energy began gathering on the sword,

Mitsuro: The Kashiwa are really strong.

Then, in one swing, he brought down his sword, which caused a massive force to fall upon them and a cloud of smoke to cover the surroundings. 

The ninja-seeking club members held their ground and covered their eyes. 

Mitsuro: I've gotten smarter. *smirk*

As the smoke grew bigger and darker, he took this opportunity to dash forward to Nanao.

He wants her dead. Nanao is her descendant and he thinks that she will soon come in his way.

He dashed through the smoke, looking for Nanao. He found her.

Mitsuro: First technique,

Small droplets of water began covering his sword, then, he placed it beside him, and in one swing, he directly aimed for Nanao's neck.

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now