Deities of the past ( The ninja and his wife ) (2.5)

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Hotaru quickly rushes up to me.

Hotaru: What happened to you???

She holds my head up in her arms.

Hotaru: Hang in there!

Oh no. I could feel the drowsiness and exhaustion getting the better of my body.

Hotaru: Hey!! OMG, don't leave me now!

I could hear Hotaru yelling, but I couldn't understand her....3RD PPOV

Hotaru: Hey!

She continues yelling out to Kazuki, but he doesn't respond.

???: Your partner must have been too exhausted.

Shiouru and Sera arrived,

Hotaru: W-Who are you?

Hotaru frowned slightly at Shiouru, a little doubtful about him.

Shiouru: You must be Raiden Anohara's descendant.

Hotaru: W-What?

Sera: We're not bad people.

She said as she signaled Shiouru to carry Kazuki inside.

Sera: Follow me,

Hotaru was doubtful and hesitant, but she had no choice.

They arrived at a small wooden house, just on the outskirts of the village.

They entered the house and Shiouru laid Kazuki on the futon of one of the rooms.

Sera: Are you too married?

Hotaru: N-No,

She replied shyly,

Sera: Oh, not on that stage yet. I see. Fiance perhaps.

Hotaru: W-What?

Sera: Nothing, anyway, that must be Raiden Anohara's mirror, right?

Hotaru: Rai- Who?

Sera: Oh, seriously?

Hotaru: I-I'm sorry,

Sera: Raiden Anohara, also known as the "Reflection of the Heaven" is a deity that was known to trap ancient and evil creatures all around Earth.

It is said that, if the mirror is broken, it will release all the captured creatures, and will wreak havoc on Earth.

So, it is only right that you take good care of your mirror. 

Sera said as she poured out a cup of tea and offered it to Hotaru.

Hotaru: O-Oh, thank you very much. 

Sera: That being said, how did you two end up being here? From the future?

Hotaru: Oh, uhm...

Hotaru is also confused about this situation. How will she answer if even Hotaru herself doesn't know what's going on?

Just then, Shiouru walks inside the room.

Shiouru: Kazuki is fine, he just needs some rest.

Sera: Good to hear. 

Shiouru. You, Anohara kid, should rest also. 

Sera: Correct. I don't know how you ended up here, nor what your real goal is, but considering your strength, we can easily defeat you. Don't try to do anything stupid, alright?

Hotaru: Y-Yes, Thank you.

Hotaru feels quite uneasy. Not because the people around her are suspicious, but rather because their aura emits a very, very, dangerous air around them.


Hotaru was lying on the Futon beside Kazuki.

She can't seem to fall asleep. 

The uneasiness is still there.

"How did we end up here?"

She continued to ponder to herself, and because she pondered too much, she didn't realize that it was already morning. 

Hotaru: Oh.

A bright ray of sunshine slipped through the cracks of the window, slightly flashing Hotaru's eyes, momentarily blinding her.

Hotaru: U-Ugh, it's morning already? I haven't even slept a wink!

She thought mumbled to herself as she groggily stands up.

Hotaru: Are you still not awake,

Kazuki was already gone from this futon.

Hotaru: H-Huh...

She just stood there, her mind lagging.

Just then, the door behind her opened, and peeking out of it was Kazuki.

Kazuki: You're finally awake, Hotaru.

Hotaru: Huh... Eek!

She slightly shrieked due to surprise.

Kazuki: W-What?

Hotaru: Geez, like, don't scare me like that!

Kazuki: O-Oh, sorry. Anyway, Sera is looking for you.

Hotaru: Oh?

Hotaru slightly fixed her hair and changed her outfit before going outside.


Sera: Good morning, Anohara's child.

Hotaru: It's Hotaru.

Sera: Hotaru... I see. Anyway, I called you out here because I need to ask you something.

Hotaru: Y-Yes?

Sera: Where did you get that mirror?

Hotaru: Oh, uhm. I'm a shrine maiden, and I found this in one of the wardrobes.

Sera: Too easy to find for an ancient relic... Hmm.

Sera scratches her hair and stared at Hotaru.

Sera: Do you know anyone by the name of... Mashiro?

Kazuki and Hotaru were surprised by her mentioning Mashiro's name. 

Hotaru: W-Why...?

Sera: Protect that kid, I'm getting visions that she will be in danger.

Hotaru's eyes widen.

Sera: And, ninja-seeking club? I see a fire, and water, slowly vanquishing each of the students in the ninja-seeking club.

Kazuki: What?! 

Sera: Hmm... For now, let's just end the conversation with that. I'm gonna go now, I want you two to look after the house and clean it, okay?

She said before instantly disappearing. 


Hotaru and I looked at each other, confused and surprised.

The ninja-seeking club, vanquished by water and fire?

And Mashiro, will be in grave danger?

Hotaru: Do you like, think she's legit?

Hotaru asked worriedly,

Kazuki: I don't know. I'm having mixed feelings.

We just stood there, unable to process the situation.

This atmosphere is quite tense, I need to somehow lighten it.

Kazuki: Hey, I'm curious.

Hotaru: About what?

Kazuki: You entered the temple-like structure, right?

Hotaru nodded,

Kazuki: How did you end up here?

Hotaru: Well.

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