The Ice Goddess of Tokukashi (The formalities) (1)

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Kurenai's heart pounds harder and harder as a familiar incoming figure walks in their direction.

A familiar blue-haired female figure, wearing a Kimono, with a parasol above her head, walking down in the snowy storm.

Kurenai readied her troops, signaling them to prepare for battle. 

Kurenai: Prepare!

They all simultaneously raised their weapon, pointing it at Hakai.

Hakai: Oh my, what a welcome. I'm really welcome here, aren't I?

She comes closer, and closer until she was only a few feet away from Kurenai. 

Hakai: It's nice to see you again, Kurenai!

She said as she ran towards Kurenai, with her arms open, signifying an embrace. 

Kurenai grabbed her sword and pointed it at her.

Kurenai: Don't come near me.

Hakai: That's sad...

Hakai puts her arm down and expresses disappointment.

The Tokukashi soldiers could only stand still in bewilderment.

Hakai: Anyway, let's cut to the chase. Hijiro, Otaka, Isihima.

Hakai suddenly recites all the names of the soldiers.

Kurenai: Wha?

Hakai: All of you, please leave me alone with Kurenai.

One of the soldiers looked at Kurenai, seemingly waiting for her approval.

Kurenai nods, and they all marched out of there.

Kurenai: What do you want?

Hakai: Do you have a spare room? It's quite freezing in here.

Kurenai guides me to a room, the director's room.

Hakai: Oh my, this is awesome. 

She looked around in amusement,  complimenting everything she sees there.

Hakai: I've been gone for years, and yet things still remained the same. This is nice. 

She sat down across Kurenai, with her legs neatly folded and tucked underneath her body and her spine erect, or in other words, the usual way of Japanese sitting. She then summoned the Tokukashi Village Bijou.

Kurenai's eyes widened as she saw the Tokukashi treasure that has been missing for so long.

A Bijou, a Blue jewel that takes the shape of a snowflake, and is the size of a normal human hand.  

It floats above Hakai's soft and delicate hands, shining ever so brightly in the light shade of white.

Hakai: The Bijou. The treasure of the Tokukashi Village. This Jewel contains the power that was held by the ancestors of this clan. Am I right?

Kurenai remained still and silent, trying to toughen up her facade. 

Hakai: I wish for no violence to happen, Kurenai.

Kurenai: H-Huh?

Hakai: I came here to negotiate. Fighting my fellow clan mates is the last thing that I want.

She said as she placed the Bijou on the table, and slides it towards Kurenai.

Hakai: The underground city, Ryuhyo no Miyako. Inside that city, is the well-hidden Shinzumo stone. In trade for that Shinzumo stone, I'll lend you this Bijou stone back. Of course, I'm open to negotiation. If you want something other than this Bijou stone, I will be happy to negotiate about it. 

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