Ancestor and Descendant (Nanao Sweet Ending) (Non-Canon) Nanao's dream come true

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It's been 5 days. After the hard battle between Mitsuro Kashiwa and us, I find myself sitting in the club room.

Akari: This is our first meeting in a while, and yet Nanao is not here.

Akari says sadly,

Enju: Kashima-san also didn't come to class.

Myu: I wonder what happened to Nanao-senpai.

Yamabuki: Maybe she got haunted by a ghost!

Ricka: G-Ghost?

Tengge: Yamabuki, *sigh*

Yamabuki: Sorry, sorry. Anyway, I think we should all go and visit her.

Lily: I think that's a good idea. I'm in.

Everyone agreed and we decided to visit Nanao this weekend.

Arriving at her dorm, we were met with silence.

We tried the next day but still to no avail.

I looked at the phone messages I sent.

"Online 6 days ago."

I'm getting quite worried for Nanao.

It can't go on like this.

I took it upon myself to look for Nanao.


I think of the things she could probably spend her days on.

Arcade perhaps? No, that's too absurd.

Maybe the anime shop? The overnight one? Seems likely.

I made my way to that specific shop, wherein you can stay overnight.

"Hello there, How may I help you?"

The woman at the register enthusiastically asked.

"Hello, uhm, I was wondering if a green-haired girl with a white headband checked in here."


She began searching through her computer.

"Does she go by the name of Kashima Nanao?"

"Yes, she does."

"What's your name, sir?"

"Araya Kazuki."

"Perfect! She's in room 204. Are you perhaps her boyfriend?"


That question took me by surprise.

"N-No, we're not in that kind of relationship."

"I see."

She doesn't look so convinced.

"Before I let you in, I'll quickly phone Kashima-san."

"Thank you very much."

She pressed several buttons on the telephone and puts the telephone in her ear.

"Hello, this is the front desk. Kashima-san, you do have a visitor, going by the name of Araya Kazuki. I'd like to confirm if you do know this gentleman... I see."

She hung up on the phone.

"Miss Kashima confirms. You may proceed."

She hands me a pair of keys that has a demon slayer design on them, featuring Inosuke and Zenitsu.

I walked over to room 204 and inserted the key, twisting and turning it until it opened.

Inside was a room full of Nanao's favorite figures and figurines. It looks like a hotel room bunch with a bunch of anime stuff.

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