The Pathway DownHill (Do you accept them?) (14)

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The perspective of someone*

I was never a ninja. Just an ordinary human who lived years ago.

I am Youko Fujigawa, a 9 nine-year-old child who lives in a town in northern Japan. I am quite inlove in playing yoyo.

Yet, we were rather poor. My father and mother both worked as house helpers for a rich businessman named Kakushiwa.

Now, Kakushiwa was rich in every way. Rich in girls, properties, cars, and other luxuries.

However, he was rather malevolent.

Every day, my parents would go home with many wounds and bruises all over them. They would shush me, and comfort me by saying that their job is just dangerous.

However, despite the danger within the job, they only got money that only provided a single plate of dinner for all of us.

I was always wondering was my Father and Mother's jobs were. And so, as a curious little girl, I followed them. They made their way to the road and arrived in a luxurious house, with many guards all over the place.

My Father and Mother entered the gate and immediately I saw another guard hit them in the face with a wooden bat as they laughed. I could only stay in a tiny little corner, as I couldn't enter inside. 

I stayed in my little hiding spot and saw that they picked on every worker there. 

I felt... sad...

Knowing my parents had to go through this kind of treatment to provide for this family...

Not long after, I left the premises and went back home. After a short while, my mother and father finally got home, now with a much worse set of wounds.

And this cycle would continue until I was 14 years old. At this point, my mother was already disabled from multiple bone problems and my father was also sick.

This was when I started to mature and realize things for myself. 

Since they don't have the ability to help, I was the one who worked in their place. 

Before I left my home, my mom would always tell me. 

"Always do things righteously and with sincere honesty, that way, the blessings of the gods will fall upon you."

She always said. She wants me to be an honest, and good person, regardless of what's happening.

And so, I did.

I entered the mansion and got picked on by the guards surrounding the mansion. 

The work we did was housekeeping. We cleaned and served food, and at the end of the day, the head guard would give us several coins. 

However, they would mistreat you and pick on you before you can get those coins. 

I tried to put up with this but... Something tells me to take action... this isn't right... having riches and money doesn't give you the privilege to treat your workers like trash.

Wealth and power are never a ticket pass for mistreatment.

One day, I snapped.

In one instance, while one of the guards was hitting an old woman who was sick with a whip because she spilled soup on the floor, I felt a bloodlust, and anger... within me...

And out of sheer instinct, I jumped in front of her and raised my arms up, looking at the guards with fierce eyes.

"Do not... hurt her any longer..."

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now