Schooldays (Note from beyond) (4)

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We've arrived at MEA. The other member of the ninja seeking club is also there. Sen was standing in the middle, frowning and seemingly staring down at a paper

"Sorry, we're late!"

I said, catching my breath. 

"Oh, not really. Just on time"

He puts the paper on the table and began walking towards us. 

"S-So, What is this emergency about?"

Enju asked

"Take a look at this, I don't know if you understand Archaic English but here"

Sen hands us another paper. Enju and I read what it says,

"Lief ninjas, this is the kakurasu, specifically Kaori Tokukashi speaking in this letter. I'm warning everyone who isn't may readeth this yond at jump the same timeth thee've readeth this noteth, shall beest the breakout of another bloody hurlyburly. This timeth, we're not gonna beest fighting for peace and survival, we're gonna beest fighting for something much important. The genesis Kashiwa codex is the one I'm pertaining to. Yond's right, the booketh yond enwheels all the history within the did suppose deceased and ancient Kashiwa clan, which we knoweth is enshielf at the exact middle of mea, which wast stolen from the primordial flote. Once again, I give you all a festive and valorous night

Love lots, From Kakurasu"

"I don't get much of it...But...What is the Genesis Kashiwa Codex?

"That is the book about the ancient Kashiwa and their rivalry with the Yabusame. It also contains all Jutsu's within the Kashiwa clan, such as drain, healing Jutsu, and many more. Lik the letter said, "which we knoweth is enshielf at the exact middle of mea", the book was found in the middle of the sea, floating and in some miracle, the papers still together despite being wet."

"But...Why would they come after it? They don't need it right? Since one of the ancient Kashiwa ninjas is on their side..."

Nanao asked confused.

"It's probably the Jutsus. There are many Jutsus that were made by the Kashiwa and most are forgotten. They probably want to use it to increase their power"

"Then we can't let them get it at all cost!"

Nanao said with utmost determination. 

"Of course, that's the intention, but I wonder if we can walk our talk. Kakurasu is the type of group where when they want something, they'll do everything to get it. Chances are higher of them deploying all the pillars to attack the MEA"

"Then, we must also bring our forces together and prevent them from claiming that codex" 

Ryuu stated in a serious expression

Yamabuki: "Yeah! I agree with ya,"

Lily: "Well then, Let's start the preparation,"

Tengge:" Do the other village heads know about this?"

Sen:" You guys are the only ones I've shared this with. "

Tengge: " Don't you think we should tell them?"

Sen: " We can't defeat them on our strength alone. Don't worry, I plan to hold a meeting with them"

Tengge: "I see, That's good to hear"

Sen: "So, Ninja seeking club! I require you all to prepare! Looks like Kakurasu doesn't plan on giving you guys a break, I feel bad for you lads but, this is crucial. They might gain another advantage in this battle if we let them win, and we don't want that. Got it?!"

Everyone: "Understood!"


Toccata and Fugue in D minor began playing throughout the entire cathedral, played by the last echelon, Asin. This is a sign that the pillars are being called in the main room. Soon footsteps began echoing throughout the cathedral, then from the shadows, all the pillars appeared, walking at the carpet. All hailed after their presence. They soon entered the Main room.

"What is this summon about, Master?"

Kaori asked,

Jin: "For us to be called at the same time, this must be very important"

"Indeed it is, It's about the plan you're gonna execute in a few days and...about the revival."

Master said, 

"The stones needed for this ritual, Shinzumo, Inazumo, and the core of Orochi. We haven't got any of them yet."

Yasu: "So basically this is about finding those stones?"

"The location of these stones is unknown up till now.  But, don't rush, first I need something..."

"What might that be?"

Shiouru asked.

"Genesis Kashiwa codex."


We go home after discussing with MEA for a bit. I entered my dorm and closed the door behind me. I threw myself on the bed and sighed. This has been one eventful day. I checked my phone. Nothing new it seems. I stuff my head back onto the pillow. And due to so much tiredness, I unconsciously fell into a deep slumber...After what seemed like a few minutes, I was woken up by the ringing of my phone. I lazily checked who it was and to my surprise, It was Enju. What is she up too this late


I said in a groggy voice. 

"Kazuki! What time do you think it is!?"

Enju yelled angrily from the other end. 

"Time... Huh? It's still night isn't-"

I rolled over to the other side and with my blurry vision, I saw a ray of light shining through my window. 

"Ha?! It's already afternoon!! This is my 7th call! And most importantly, the principal is calling for you!!!"

"Wait, really?! crap!"

That what seemed like a few minutes was actually a ton of hours?!

I hurriedly got out of bed. Hastily put my uniform on and head out with Enju still on the phone.


"You overslept it seems."

The principal said in disappointment.

"And lad, why are you dressed up like you're attending a class? It's Sunday"

The hag also said in disappointment.

Ryuu: "I'm downright speechless..."

Haruto: "Yeah...I don't know what to say either"

Akari: "Hehe...Haha"

"Ehem! Anyway, I didn't call you out in your break day for just this."

The principal spoke, breaking the awkwardness. 

"That's right lads. Actually, just like the MEA, we've also received a word from the Kakurasu. Here."

The hag hands out a paper.


Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora