Schooldays ( School lunch ) (1)

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It's now another day for school.

"Good morning Kazuki!"

Akari greeted as I entered the room, smiling ever so brightly.

"Good morning"

I greeted back. I then proceeded to walk to my seat as we talk.

"Oh, And, Where's Enju? It doesn't seem like her to be not here early"

"Oh, She was called to the student council room."

"Oh, She's still a student council member. I forgot about that"

Just then, someone walked up to me.

"Bro...You're finally back

A very familiar voice spoke. I looked up to see


I was so surprised I immediately stood up as soon as I saw him.

"Bro...I missed you, man!"

We gave each other a hug and a tap on the back.

"Where have you been bro?! Don't tell me you've been doing ninja things without me.!"

"Oh, Yeah, Sorry. It's actually pretty dangerous"

"Bro...I've been with you guys whether it's dangerous or safe be it. Why did you back me out this time?!"


"Because you could actually die, John Spicer"

Ryuu suddenly steps in

"I-I could die?"

"We don't want someone dying. We already lost a valuable number of people and some important ones too. We don't want to lose another one"

"Well...In our previous battle, it was also very dangerous and life-threatening but...I survived and I will continue to!"

"Are you trying to push your luck or something?"

"Yeah, I am"

"You're an inexorable person aren't you?"

"I am... That's why you should let me in your missions!"

Just then, the door opens

"Take your seat students, the class is starting!"

Entering inside was the MEA Leader, Sen.

"Wow, He's so hot!"

"He's much better than our previous teacher!"

The girls going all crazy for him

"Woah, Who's that? Is he a new teacher?"

Johnny said in amusement

"Class is starting John, Let's continue this later on"

Ryuu said as he walked towards his chair

"I guess I should get going, See you later Kazuki!"

"See you later Akari"

"Bro... I'll get going too. See you at lunch"

"Yeah...Sure thing."

All students got back in their seat as Sen walks into the middle front,

"Students of A-1, I'm a temporary teacher here for this semester. You can call me Sen, No need for formalities, I don't need one."

He then proceeds to write his name on the board

"Looking forward to being working with you lads"

"Yes, Sensei!"

The whole class answered, Well, At least most mostly girls.

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now