A Curse To Remember (The Looming Trial) (2)

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Youko is back in Mizaki City, and upon a huge tree, is looking over the Mizaki High School.

"I've even disturbed the celestial bodies just to wake you up, Sen... This is your trial, for the grave sins you've done."


Sen felt a warm feeling in his chest.

And immediately he knew what it meant. Something is disturbing the tranquility of his powers.

Sen: What is this...?

Then, his phone rang beside him.

Everyone in the room was still asleep due to the toll that the battle with Kuro.

Sen answered the phone call...

"I know, you probably forgot this voice. But, you never forgot the incident. The Seki Village Incident."

Sen's eyes widened, shocked by what he heard. An incident from his past rose up to his mind... The certain incident that even he regrets.

"*Giggle*. I'm not speaking to you as a pillar from Kakurasu, but rather as an individual affected by your actions from the past. But, it seems like my plan and Kakurasu's machination aligned. We both plan to kill you."

Sen is a bit spooked, and terrified, knowing that someone knows a part of life his life that he desperately tries to forget.

"The looming trial awaits you. It's either you or the whole MEA. Do take note that I can disturb the celestial bodies, concluding that I can easily wipe this last MEA branch at the face of the earth."

"What do you want...?"

"As I've said, a looming trial awaits you. It's either I'll destroy MEA, or you'll face me. I do not want to resort to destroying the MEA because I treasure Kaede."

"Fine... Where are you?"

"Here, at the football field of Mizaki High. Oh, and also. Bring Suou Yamabuki and Yomoda Tengge with you."

"What do you want with those kids?"

"A looming trial awaits you three."

Then, she hung up.

Sen was bewildered and flabbergasted, unsure of the decision to make. He doesn't want to involve Yamabuki or Tengge. Hence, why, after a short moment of thinking, he jumped from the window and landed safely, before running towards the direction of the field.


"So, you arrived. Sen."

Greeting him was the familiar figure of Youko. A girl, with silver long hair, who wears an artist's hat, with brilliant green eyes.

However, her facade was not of a friendly young girl, but rather a judge who'll bestow the justice that the man in front of her needs.

"Dark Blue Hair, along with those sharp, light-green eyes. The cliche black suit with white gloves. That really looks familiar, Sen."

She said with a chuckle.

However, Sen wasn't able to react.

He recognizes the girl. She was...

"You're... The girl from the eradication incident of the Seki Village..."

"You remember me. That's quite a positive start to our trial."

"I know... Why you want me... But, why Yamabuki, and Tengge?"

"Seeing that you didn't bring them to me, I could kill you right now without even going over the trial. However, this would make a good story before you die."

Moe ninja girls: The awekening of the new evil (Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now