Christmas Blizzard

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A/N: I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

"Hey, I'm here to pick up my stuff" Grayson spoke sadly with snow on his coat and boats from the blizzard going on, on Christmas Day

", come in" you spoke sadly as well as you let Grayson in, you were so distracted you didn't notice him holding a wrapped box behind him

A week ago the relationship that had lasted two years between the two of you had ended, an argument causing both of you to split

The both of you couldn't get over once the words "we need to break up" came from, his mouth, shocking you and him

"You look great" Grayson said with a slight blush as he looked down at the floor

"Oh, um, thanks" you whispered as you also blushed and looked down

You both stood there awkwardly for a moment until Grayson looked up slightly to look at your appearance, you were wearing your favorite pair of reindeer pjs with a white sweatshirt that had a little Christmas tree on the corner, but you had bags under your eyes, signaling that you were not sleeping well, and your nose stuffed from all the crying you've done

Grayson was wearing long pants with boots for the snow, with a brown sweater and a coat on top, his appearance was also like yours, even though he wouldn't like to admit it, he's also spent sleepless nights crying for you, crying to hold you at least one more time, to kiss you once more, to tell you how much he loves you

"Umm, let me get the box of your stuff" you said as you walked to your room to get the stuff you had of Graysons at your apartment

"Yea..." he whispered

Soon enough you got his box, as you were about to hand it to him, both of you got an emergency message on your phones

The blizzard outside was too dangerous for anyone to be outside, it was mandatory to seek for shelter immediately

You both looked at your phones and then up at each other

"It's ok, I'll drive back home quickly, I'll be ok" Grayson said as he noticed the worry in your eyes

"You can stay here while the storm passes, I don't mind..."

"Ok...thank you" he said as you put his box on the counter

"I umm, I brought you a present I had gotten for you before know...before everything happened" he said, whispering the last part as he handed you the wrapped present

"Oh" you said surprised, "thank you, I had also gotten you something, I'm not sure if you'll still want it though"

"Well, it's still a present right?" He chuckled

"Yea, it's right here actually" you said as you took out two boxes

"Since it's just us, and it's Christmas Day, we could open them if you want" Grayson suggested as he took off his coat and boots

"Mhmm" you said as you sat on the floor and put both yours and Graysons presents on the floor as Grayson sat across from you

"Oh, hey, I gave you this hoodie, remember?" he asked as he took out one of your favorite hoodies from his that was in the box

"Yea, I just thought you'd want it back"

"Nah, it's ok, you can keep it, it's look a lot better on you than it does on me anyway" he chuckled

"Grayson stop doing that" you said sternly, with your eyes shut

"Stop what?" he asked clearly confused

"Stop complimenting me...we're not together anymore, we're not an item, it hurts that you're saying them, as much as I appreciate them, it hurts Gray..." you said as your voice faded off at the end, tears already rolling down your eyes as your wipes them away quickly and sniffled

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" he stuttered nervously

"It's fine...let's-let's just open the presents Gray" you whispered as he nodded

Gray handed you his present for you, "I'd like you to open mine first if that's ok" he asked

"Yea" you smiled softly as you opened the box only to find another box, and another box, and another box

"Graysonnnn" you whined as he chuckled

"You're almost done, I promise" he said with a smile as you quirked your eyebrow at him

Finally, you got a small box and opened it, inside was a small heart shaped locket with necklace attached to it, you opened up the locked and gasped

It was a picture of you and Grayson, Grayson was kissing your cheek in the picture while an apparent blush appeared on your cheeks

"Gray" you whispered in awe, "this is beautiful, thank you so much, here open yours!" you said excitedly, making Grayson smile

He carefully opened the box and noticed there were two bracelets inside

"So let me explain" you said as you took both bracelets out, "these bracelets are connected to each other, when you touch the top of it, the other one buzzes, I figured we could use this as a way to tell each other we miss each other or we love each other when we don't have enough time to spend together" You explained as you demonstrated how the bracelets work

"But...I guess there's no use for them anymore huh?" you said as you went back to your upset stage and sat quietly

"Y/N" Grayson spoke as he reached across and cupped your face in his hands

You looked up at him and saw tears rolling down his eyes

"This...this shouldn't be the way we're spending Christmas, it's supposed to be a happy day, we were supposed to still be together happy, not like this" you whispered

Grayson looked at you for a moment until he crashed his lips to yours

Immediately you held onto his chest and moved your lips along with his, desperation and need in the kiss

You both separated, needing air; heavy breathing being heard

"Gray-" you started but Grayson interrupted

"Y/N...I'll be completely honest, I regret everything I said, everything that happened one week ago, please, please take me back" he pleaded as he hugged you tightly

"I missed you so much" you admit as you fell into his big, trembling, "let's start again...ok?"

He nodded quickly and breathed out, trying to stop his tears from flowing

You giggled quietly, making Grayson look up at you and smile, "what?" He asked

"Umm, we're under a mistletoe" you said as he looked up and smiled, taking you against him and kissing you passionately before pulling away

"Merry Christmas Gray" you whispered

"Merry Christmas Y/N"

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