Beach View

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A/N: This was a request from @st0rmw1nd. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!

"I'm so excited for the beach!" You spoke as you looked out the window of the car as Grayson was driving

"This isn't your first at the beach though" he chuckled

"Well no, but still! We don't come often, oh! We had our first date here, remember?" you asked as Grayson found a close parking spot

"Mhmm, I do remember, I also remember we got a parking ticket because I didn't have a beach pass"

"That was funny" you giggled

Soon enough you both got down and left Grayson to carry the stuff as you ran to the sand, spinning around as you felt the grainy substance beneath your feet

Life had been going great for you, you were happy, you had a great job, a great home and a great boyfriend

You turned around and saw Grayson struggling to carry the bag with the towels to dry up

You chuckled and walked up to him, kissing his cheek as you took the bag in your hand and walked to the spot you wanted your stuff to be in

"How do you still give me butterflies?" Grayson asked as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and kissed from your shoulder to your neck, giving you goosebumps

"The same way you still give me goosebumps whenever you kiss my shoulder or neck" you said turning around giving him a nose kiss

"Let's go to the water!" You said as pulled him

"Go on first, I need to find something in the bags first" he said

You nodded and ran to the beach, happy there were barely any people there

Meanwhile Grayson smiled, watching your figure play in the water, before turning around to make sure the little box was still in the bag

Truth was, Grayson had wanted to go to the beach to finally pop the question

He thought popping the question at the place your first date had happened would be a great idea

He turned around and headed towards the water before making sure the ring was still there

You turned around to look at Grayson after having splashed around a bit, but he was nowhere to be found

A worried face grew on you as you stepped towards the sand a little before having your boyfriend come up and scare you with a big scare

"Oh my gosh you are such an idiot!" you said holding your heart as your boyfriend just laughed at your reaction, "it's not funny" you mumbled, looking away

"Aww, babe, I'm sorry" Grayson said as he tried to kiss you but you kept moving your head

"No kisses, you're mean"

"But I said I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't always fix everything"

"Mmm, ok, how about this" he said as he picked you up and carried you over his shoulder and started walking to where he had laid the towels

"H-hey! Put me down!"

"Enjoy this view with me" he said calmly

You turned to look at the water and saw how the sun was right above the water

"Wow, It's beautiful" you said in awe

"It really is" Grayson said while he meant you as the view

You laid your head on Grayson's shoulder and continued watching the sunset as birds flew by



"I-I," he stuttered

You turned to face Grayson, getting your head off of him

"Are you ok?"

Grayson breathed in and out before putting his hand in the bag and pulling out the small box

Your eyes widened as you looked at Grayson in surprise

"Y/N, you are my happiness, every time I look at you, it's like having met you all over again and falling in love with you, I love all the little things you do for me, and I would like for you to keep doing them for me forever...Y/N, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes Gray" you answered immediately as you touched foreheads with him and kissed him lightly

He put the ring on your finger shakily and was proud he had picked out the right size

"I'm so happy" you said as you sat in his lap, hugging his neck

"Me too babe" he replied, pulling you back to kiss you again, "I can't wait to grow old with you"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now