Mission Compromised

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y/f/f= your favorite food

"Guys, it's not that big of a deal, it's just Grayson" you said to your roomates Yellow and Blue as you got ready for your date with Grayson

You and Grayson always had a thing for a while but neither of you had actually done anything about it, that was until Grayson asked you out

You had always talked to your friends about Grayson and they'd even met him a couple of times, but now that he was taking you on a date, they don't want him to break your heart

"What if he isn't a gentleman towards you? What if he flirts with another girl in front of you? What if-"

"Please guys, no more what ifs that what ifs this, I'm going on a date with Grayson because I like him, I don't know why you both are acting this way given that you both love Grayson with me"

"Yea yea, we're sorry" they both said

Soon there was a knock on the door, and you opened it to reveal a happy Grayson holding a bouquet of flowers

"H-hi" he said nervously

"Hey Grayson, come in, let me go get my phone, can one of you take the flowers please, which by the way, these are beautiful Gray, thank you" you said kissing his cheek and getting your phone

Blue took the flowers and put them in the vase, while Yellow interrogated Grayson

"So Dolan, what are your intentions with our Y/N hmm?" Yellow asked trying to seem threatening

"Well, right now it's to take her on a nice date to a restaurant nearby"

"Hmm, well we got our eye on you Dolan" said Blue

"Alright Gray, let's go, bye guys, so you in a bit!" you said waving them off as you walked away with Grayson

"Yellow, we have to follow them"

"Yea, but how...OH MY GOSH I KNOW HOW!!" Yellow said excitedly, "We'll disguise ourselves as guys and go to the restaurant, I'll get the outfits and you go on Y/N snap maps to see where they're going" Yellow said as both of them got to work

In only a few minutes they both were dressed up as guys, if you were to see them from afar, you wouldn't recognize them as your friends

"Ok, do you have their location?"

"Yea, they're at the Pua's Palace, just down the road!" she said as they both walked out the door and into the car to go spy on yours and Grayson's date

Meanwhile at the restaurant, you two had just sat down and were reading over the menus, you decided on y/f/f while Grayson got something vegan

"This place is really nice" you commented while looking around the new restaurant

"I'm glad you like it" Grayson said taking a sip of his water and holding your hand across the table

Soon enough your friends made it to the restaurant and were an awe of how wonderful the place looked, soon enough they were seated and noticed they were seated only a couple of tables away from you and Grayson

"So...do we just stalk them or?" asked Blue as she discreetly looked over the menu

"I think we should mess with them a little, I have a plan" Yellow responded as she started whispering her plan to Blue

Soon enough you and Grayson were about to finish your meals when the waiter brought you a plate of your favorite fries

"Oh wow, umm, I'm sorry but we didn't order this-"

"The young gentleman over there asked us to bring you the beautiful lady at this table a plate of fries with this message: enjoy the fries sweetheart, and with a wink" said the waiter as he left the fries on the table

You looked over to where the waiter had signaled was the guy and he seemed familiar but couldn't quite put your finger on

Grayson on the other hand, was quite furious, he had wanted this date to go by smoothly and nice, but apparently other people didn't want that to happen

You took notice of this and laced your hand with his, hoping to calm him, "Hey" you said smiling softly at him

"Hi" he breathed out calming down

"It's just free food for us" you said trying to look at it from a positive point of view, Grayson nodded and ate the fries with you

You excused yourself to use the restroom, meaning you would walk by the boy who sent you the fries, as you walked by you noticed that they weren't guys, they were your roomates dressed up as guys, you chuckled to yourself softly and went back to the table after using the restroom

"Grayson, the "guy" who sent me the fries, it's actually Yellow, and Blue is with her" you said giggling while Grayson smiled at the situation

You both finished eating and walked over to their table

"Hey sweetheart" Yellow said trying to sound manly

"Yellow, I know it's you, and Blue, I know that's you too"

"Mission compromised" Blue said making
you all laugh and ending the night with a bang

Steven Universe anyone? Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond, that's where I got the names from for Yellow and Blue, sorry if you didn't like them!

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