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Grayson Dolan had been your boyfriend for a whole year now, it's had its ups and downs due to him being busy with his YouTube career with his brother and you with running your small bookstore, you being the only employee because you like being your own boss

You guys had just recently moved in together, just fifteen days ago you moved into the new home him and his brother shared, and so far you liked being around Gray so often, it made up for the many times you guys couldn't be together for whatever reason

Being with Grayson had its positives, like being around Grayson more often, more cuddles, more kisses, more love, eating breakfast together, just being around each other more often

But there was also a negative, a big negative for you...farts

You had always been ashamed of your farts, it may not seem as a big deal but your farts could be silent but deadly. Anytime that you had to fart around Grayson you would always excuse yourself or just hold it in, but now that you live together, it would a lot harder to hide your farts

It was Saturday and the day was great to be out tanning or swimming, the boys decided they would play in the pool for a bit while you tanned, seemed like a simple thing to do, however, you had decided to have beans with your breakfast that morning and beans can make people fart like crazy

It had been about half an hour of you guys being outside when suddenly you felt a fart coming but you decided to hold it, but your buttcheeks had other ideas and decided to just let it rip

You immediately opened your eyes and sat up, looking at the boys looking at you, you panicked and ran inside to hide in the bedroom your shared with Grayson

"Yo Gray, why'd she run?" asked Ethan as he just heard you fart but thought not much of it

"I don't know man...should I go check on her?"

"Obviously stupid!" yelled Ethan throwing water at Grayson while Grayson got up to dry off and walk inside

You were pacing inside the room trying to find a way to excuse yourself fart incident until you heard a knock on the door

"Y/N? Are you ok baby?" he asked trying to open the door only to find it locked

"I-umm, y-yea! I'm fine" you said as you changed out of your clothes into comfier clothes trying to distract yourself

"Ok...but why'd you run off like that?" he asked still on the other side of the door

"W-what do you mean?" you asked as you opened the door, welcoming him into the room as you sat in the bed

"Well, you were tanning and E and I were playing and then you farted and then-"

"Oh my gosh!" you said as you hid under the sheets trying to hide from your embarrassment of having farted in front of your boyfriend and his brother

"What? What happened?" asked Grayson as he was still confused

"I didn't mean to ok? It just came out because I had beans in the morning, gosh I knew it was a bad idea to eat beans today!" you sighed still under the sheets

Gray got into the sheets with you and hid under them with you, meeting with your face as he started to put the pieces together

"Baby girl...are you embarrassed that you farted in front of us?" he asked holding your chin up to have you look at him, you nodded

"Aww, baby," he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around you, "it's ok to fart, it's a natural part of the human body to fart, no need to be embarrassed" he said kissing your nose

"I-I just don't want you to think I'm disgusting or something or that I constantly fart" you whispered

"It's ok to fart Y/N, I won't be disgusted, you're my girlfriend, we've been through thick and thin together, it'd be ridiculous if I couldn't tolerate you farting" he chuckled kissing your nose again

"Thanks Gray" you said as you kissed his cheek and snuggled into him starting to fall asleep

"I love you and your farts Y/N" were the last words you heard before falling asleep, happy to know your boyfriend accepted you and your farts

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now