Some What?

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A/N: this is a special request from @shubooka36. Thank you so much for the idea of writing for imagines like the last two about breast milk, there will definitely be more to come in the future so be prepared for that folks! Happy readings!

"Oh, sweetie hold on!" you spoke frantically to your crying baby

Three months ago you had given birth to a child that you and your husband Grayson had created, you couldn't be happier about that

However, your baby crying pretty much all night, making you restless was definitely stressful

Currently is was around two in the morning when your baby cried out, meaning they were hungry for breast milk

Your husband Grayson slept like a rock throughout the baby's crying

You finally got to your baby's room and lifted them in your arms as you rocked them a little before giving them some milk

"You just needed some booby juice didn't you?" you sighed happily as there was finally some peace and quiet

About fifteen minutes later you burped your baby and set them to sleep again, you kissed them good night and made your way back to your bedroom with Grayson

You climbed back in quietly, not to disturb Grayson, and set yourself under the covers

You felt yourself being pulled into a hug, realizing it was Grayson cuddling into you

"I don't know how you do it Y/N, you wake up as soon as the baby cries" he mumbles, kissing your shoulder softly

"I guess it's the mother instincts kicking in" you chuckled as you turned around to face him and kiss his nose

"You should take a break tomorrow...or rather in a few hours, go out and enjoy yourself for a bit, I can take care of our baby" he suggested

"I-I don't know Gray, what if you can't change the diaper or you give them the wrong food, or-"

"Y/N, I'll be ok, I know how the routine goes, plus, if I need anything I can just call you"

"...alright, fine" you sighed giving in as you kissed him softly and laid on his chest, sleeping peacefully the rest of the night

Soon enough the morning came around and Grayson had gotten up before you, you got dressed appropriately and went to the kitchen to see Grayson carrying the baby in a wrap

"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep well?" Grayson asked as he got out the toast from the toaster

You blushed, "Y-yea, I slept good"

"Alright Gray, I'm leaving now, I'll only be out for a bit, but if you need anything, call me immediately" you said sternly as Grayson nodded and waved you goodbye

"Alright...let's go play with your toys then, do you want to do that?" Grayson asked his baby who just did grabby hands at his hair, making Grayson smile

About two hours in and everything was going well for Grayson and the baby, they built a little lego castle...more like Grayson built a little lego castle just holding onto the babies hands

Everything seemed to be going fine, until the baby started crying

"What's wrong? Do you need to get changed?" Grayson asked the baby as he smelt them and immediately retrieved them from his nose

"Yep, you need to get changed" Grayson said scrunching his nose and took the baby to the room to change them

"How does your mommy do this hmm? Do you know how mommy does this?" Grayson asked the baby who just had it's hand in its mouth

An hour later Grayson had finally changed the baby, however, soon enough they started crying again

"Umm, what could it be, do you need to get burped?" Grayson asked as he lightly rocked the baby and tapping their back softly, but that only seemed to increase their cries

"Ok, time to call mommy" Grayson said worried as he dialed you


"Honey, the baby is crying but I don't know what they need" Grayson said over the phone as he still rocked the crying baby in his arms

"Oh, they need some booby juice! Don't worry Gray, I'll be there soon!" you said quickly and hung up the phone, leaving Grayson confused

"Booby juice?" he said out loud

Ten minutes later you got home and ran to your baby

"Hi sweetie, are you hungry? You need some booby juice don't you?" you asked as you lifted your shirt, making Grayson turn around with a blush on his face while you fed the baby

"S-some what?" Grayson asked with a stutter

"Some booby juice, that's just what I call the breast milk, I just think booby juice is a fun way to say it" you smiled as your baby was finally full

"There you go sweetheart" you said as you burped them and put them to sleep

"Booby juice" Grayson muttered to himself as you entered the bedroom

"It's just breast milk Gray"

"But you called it booby juice...I never thought of it that way" he said amazed over the words, making you chuckle

"You are so silly Grayson" you said as you sat on his lap and snuggled into his chest

"How was your day out?" he asked

"It was quiet...too quiet, I missed you guys, next time, we're all going out together" you said as Grayson smiled and nodded kissing your forehead

" about you let me have some booby juice"

"G-Grayson Bailey Dolan!"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now