Internet Boyfriend

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A/N: This is a request from @aboomdelacaca32. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it! Also, I'd like to thank everyone who requested an imagine last week, and some earlier this week, I got a total of seven requests! You guys really got me working, but I love it and I'm so grateful and happy to be able to transform your requests into reality, thank you!

w/y/f=where you're from

Social media is an odd place on the internet

Some people tend to get into fights over social media or they sometimes meet the love of their lives

You fell under the second case, a little over a year ago you started blowing up on the internet

Because of that, you started meeting a lot of celebrities online, among those celebrities was Grayson Dolan

He was someone you had always looked up to, you had followed him and his brother since almost the beginning of their own journey on the internet

As time flew by, you and Grayson started talking more and more online and have even exchanged numbers through dms

Neither of you were able to meet each other since you both had extremely busy schedules, but that didn't stop you or Grayson from confessing your feelings to each other, over a facetime call

It has now been a little under a year that you and Grayson had started dating, you'll both actually have your one year anniversary in a few days

"Are you sure you can't come?" asked Grayson as he had he phone on a stand as he sat on his bed, watching you get ready to go to sleep

"I'm sorry sweetheart" you pouted as you cleaned your face and grabbed a towel to dry it, "I'm doing a project here and I'm not allowed to leave"

"This long distance thing is tough huh?" he sighed as he plopped back on his bed, making you giggle

"Yea, it's especially hard since we've never actually met in person either we've never hugged or held hands-"

"Or kissed or cuddled or had se-"

"G-Grayson Bailey Dolan!" you gasped as you shyly covered your face with your hands, making Grayson chuckle

"You're cute when you're flustered" he confessed as he smiled at you, making your face even more red

"You know how I get when you compliment me Gray" you muttered, making him laugh

"I know, and it's cute...ugh I just want to cuddle with you already!" he exclaimed

"Gray...what if you don't like me in person?" you asked timidly as you walked to your bedroom and got under the covers, your phone still held in front of your face to look at Grayson

"What do you mean?" he asked confused

"W-well, what if I look different in person from what I look online or over the phone"

"Y/N, I didn't fall in love with you over your looks, although that's a plus," he winked at you, "I fell in love with your personality, your kindness and sweetness to others, you know what's the first I'm going to do if I ever see you in person?"

"Mmm, what?"

"I'm going to cup your cheeks, and look you straight into your beautiful eyes, and tell you how beautiful you are and that I love you, and then kiss you"

"There you go again Gray! Making me all flustered" you squealed as you hid under your blanket, making Grayson chuckle

"Alright princess, I'm sure you have a long day tomorrow, so I'll let you rest up, dream of me ok?"

"Always Gray, good night, I love you" you said as you blew a kiss as he caught it

"I love you too"

And with that Grayson hung up and went back onto his computer to look up flights to w/y/f

He had been wanting to surprise you and meet you in person for the first time, and although his schedule was pretty busy, it wasn't anything he couldn't do over a computer, so he had decided to buy a ticket and go see you

Your manager had actually been helping Grayson on how everything will be set out and that you would be in for a big surprise

As a few days flew by, it was now yours and Grayson's one year anniversary

You had tried an endless amount of times to call him and text him, but he hadn't been answering anything, making you worry

"Y/N" your manager said as she finally had your attention, "Are you ok? You seem out of it" she said, knowing fully why you had been so distracted, but also knowing that as soon as you got home, you would be in for a surprise

"Y-Yea, sorry"

"Alright, well good work today, let me take you home"

You nodded and walked to the car with your manager and soon enough got home

"Ok, Y/N, there's a surprise for you in there, so don't freak out ok? Bye!" she said as she drove away

"Huh, wait what?" you asked and sighed as you saw she wouldn't come back

You opened the door cautiously and saw that the lights were dimmed and that there was a trail of roses that you were supposed to follow

Your heart started beating fast, not knowing exactly what was going on, you cautiously followed the trail as it led to your room

You opened the door and there in all his glory stood Grayson, holding a bouquet of roses and looking at you with his jaw dropped

Your breath hitched at the sight of your boyfriend in front of you

Grayson cleared his throat and walked up to you as you still tried to process that he was really in front of you

He handed you the roses which you gently took as you looked at them and then back up at him

He looked into your eyes and felt like he was falling in love with you all over again

He cupped your cheeks with his hands and leaned in closer to your face, sweetly scanning your face and looking into your eyes

"You truly are a beauty, all those pictures and facetime calls don't do justice to how beautiful you are in person, princess" he said as a blush grew on your cheeks, "I love you Y/N" he whispered as he slowly leaned in to kiss you

But you dropped the flowers and pulled him into the kiss quicker, getting greedy with his lips and sweetly kissing him over and over again

You both broke apart to breathe as you both panted lightly

You looked up at him and hugged him tightly, letting out a few tears of joy

"Thank you for this, I'm so happy, I really, really love you" you sniffled

"I'm really happy too princess, I'm so, so happy" he said as he wiped your tears away and pecked your lips one more time

"We can finally cuddle now" you chuckled as sniffled again and wiped your eyes again

"And we can have s-"


Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now