Christmas Present

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A/N: This was a request! Thank you so much for this idea! Christmas is right around the corner so I really enjoyed writing this! Thank you!

"Yea Cameron, I'm buying a Christmas dress right now, it's on sale and it's my size, I'll try it on when I get home, I need to get home soon and make dinner cause Grayson will be home late today" you spoke on the phone with Cameron, Grayson's sister

"See you in two weeks!" you said as you hung up and made your way back home after buying the Christmas dress

Soon enough you got home and started making Grayson's favorite dinner and finished it pretty fast, then you went to try on the dress, however, you were surprised when it didn't want to slide down your body how most dresses usually do

"Wha-" you whispered to yourself as you looked at yourself in the mirror and saw how the dress wasn't fitting you properly

Soon enough you started tearing up, tears running down your eyes

"Baby! Your husband is home!" Grayson spoke out until he stopped and heard you crying in your guys room

He dashed towards you and found you crying on the bed with a dress next to you

"What's wrong?" he asked as he sat down and put you on his lap, cradling you softly

"I-I bought that dress today so I could wear for Christmas when we go to New Jersey a-and I thought it would fit me because i-it's my size, but it doesn't fit me...I think I'm becoming fat" you cried out loud with more tears spilling your eyes

"Hey, hey, you're not becoming fat" Grayson cooed, "How about we workout for fun? Would that make you feel better? You could work out with me when I workout, it would be super fun, I promise, anything to make you feel better" he said as he wiped your tears with his thumb

"I-I want to work out with you" you whispered as Grayson said ok and he hugged you softly against him

For the next week and a half you had been working out with Grayson non stop, doing cardio as much as possible and in different ways

But almost every time you finished cardio you would throw up right afterwards, making you feel ill, however, you eventually started thinking about what it could be and you took a trip to the doctors office only to confirm your what you suspected

You were pregnant

That's why your dress hadn't fit and why you weren't losing any weight

Soon enough you and Grayson traveled to New Jersey to spend Christmas with his family

"Ma, we're here" Grayson yelled out as he helped you carry in some presents you had brought them

No one in the Dolan household knew you were pregnant, so you were excited to have Grayson open his present

Dinner looked delicious, however you were becoming nauseous, the smell of the food getting to you, so you only ate small portion of everything

"Sweetie are you ok?" Mrs.Dolan asked you

"Ah, yea I'm fine, I'm just not too hungry"

She nodded as everyone finished dinner and started making their way to the living room

One by one everyone started opening their presents excitedly, you had asked them to open yours last because it was a present for all of them to share at the same time

Mrs.Dolan opened the present you got her and gasped as she covered her mouth, she was looking at a shirt that said "This mom has been promoted to grandma" tears welling up in her eyes

Her children looked at her confused as they started to open their gifts from you as well

Cameron opened hers and it was a shirt that said "This is what a cool aunt looks like", her eyes just widened and her jaw dropped as she looked at you surprised, understanding her mom now

Ethan opened his with a shirt that said "World's most awesome uncle", he was confused at first, not really understanding immediately

Grayson just looked as his family then looked at you as you looked at him excitedly, waiting for him to open the present

He opened the big box only to find another box inside of it and then other box inside of that box

He finally got to the the box you wanted him to open, he opened it and took out the item inside the box

A pregnancy stick that signified that the test was positive

Graysons jaw dropped as he looked up at you quickly, tears already starting to form in your eyes as you waited for his expression

"You-you're..." he trailed off as you nodded quickly with a smile on your face as you let out a small laugh

Grayson ran to you and lifted you off the ground spinning you around as tears of happiness spilled down Grayson's eyes

"I'm going to be a dad!" he screamed as he put you down and kissed you softly, cupping your cheeks with his hands

"I'm going to be a grandma!"

"And I'm going to be an auntie!"

"I'm going to be an uncle!" the rest of the Dolan family screamed excitedly at the fact that you were pregnant

Grayson kneeled down and lifted you shirt up a bit, now understanding why your dress didn't fit and why you hadn't been feeling so well

He kissed your tummy softly, "You're going to be so loved here, I promise I'll be the best dad I can be, I'll carry you when you cry and I'll change your diapers and I'll bathe you and feed you and protect you and mommy from any harm" he whispered as you softly touched Graysons hair, feeling happy and blessed to finally start a family with your loving husband

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