Wrong Name Prank

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A/N: This is a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it!

g/n= girl's name

"Hey guys, so I'm over at Y/N's right now and it's pouring like crazy so I brought some board games to pass the time" Grayson said as he spoke to the camera

"I just need to change and I'll be right there!" you called out from your room

"Alright babe...so the point is that I'm going to prank her by calling her a different t name while we're playing, and we'll see how she reacts, this should be good" Grayson said as he finished talking to the camera and setting up somewhere where you wouldn't be able to see it

In the meantime you were putting on a bit of mascara to make your whole outfit of sweatpants and a hoodie you stole from Grayson, look complete

"Ok Gray, I'm ready to play" you said as you sat across your boyfriend, in front of the monopoly board game

"Baby...is that my hoodie?" Grayson asked with a small chuckle as you become flustered

"M-maybe, but look how comfortable it is!" you exclaimed as you cuddled into the hoodie, "and I like that it smells like you, it's like having you around when you're not here" you said shyly

"You're so cute" Grayson said as he embarrassingly covered his face from the blush that was appearing on his face

Grayson calmed down as he proceeded to go with the prank he wanted to play on you

"G/n did you see the new video E and I uploaded?" he asked he snuck a look at you to see your reaction

You furrowed your eyebrows at him calling you the wrong name but decided to brush it off for now

"Umm, yea, it was a good video" you smiled at him as you rolled the dice

Seeing as he didn't get a strong reaction from you, he decided to try again

"So, g/n, do you-"

"My name isn't g/n, it's Y/N...are you cheating on me?" you asked with teary eyes, not the reaction Grayson was hoping for

"W-what? No, I'm not-"

"Then why are you calling me g/n! Have you been hanging out with some girl named g/n so much that you have to call me by her name? If you like her so much then why don't you go out with her!" you yelled as the mascara started dripping down your face and you stood up and going to your room and locking it

"Fuck, Y/N wait!" Grayson said as he chased after you and but only got a slammed door to the face, "dammit" he muttered

He walked to the camera and turned it off, regretting the prank

Half an hour passed by and you hadn't opened the door yet, making Grayson worried

He soon remembered you had a key lying around in the living room

He found it under one of the sofa cushions and quickly went to unlock your door quietly

He stepped into the room to find asleep against the edge of the bed on the floor, making Grayson's heart ache

He went to get some wet tissues to wipe the mascara off your face

As he kneeled down in front of you and started to wipe off your mascara, you started to open your eyes

"Y/N" he said as he embraced you in a big hug, "I'm so sorry, I was just trying to play a prank on you...I didn't know it would hurt you so much"

"Well if you call a girl by a name that isn't her's, she's going to get hurt...you doofus" you said as you knew you couldn't get mad at him forever, "I'll only forgive you on one condition"

"What would that condition be?"

"That you give me all that cuddles you have!" your exclaimed happily, making Grayson smile

"I'll give you all the cuddles and more if you want" Grayson smirked as he tried hinting at more

"Only cuddles for now lover boy"

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