Stranger Help

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A/N: Thank you for everyone who commented on last week's imagine! I'll post a long imagine for Valentine's day. Happy Readings!

c/n=cousin's name

l/f/c=least favorite chips

Your day had not been that great, a shipment of books that was supposed to come in didn't come and said it would be delayed for at least a week, that means that your clients would be disappointed in the news of not receiving their books on time

You sighed as you got out of your vehicle and locked it, it was dark outside already and you had decided that it was time to go grocery shopping since you were running low on food at home

As you walked to the store you felt a presence behind you

You stopped and turned around, looking to see if you saw anything, but you saw nothing and shook it off as you entered the store and grabbed a cart to start shopping

Meanwhile, Ethan and Grayson had also gone to the store to get someone food for a video they were going to film

Grayson looked up to the entrance of the store and saw that you had stopped

You were just a stranger to him, but he thought that you were the most beautiful stranger he's seen

"Stop drooling bro, it's creepy" Ethan teased as he elbowed Grayson, making Grayson roll his eyes

Grayson noticed that once you started walking a man came out from the shadows and almost seemed like he started following you

Grayson protectiveness over you activated and he told Ethan to get the things while he followed the man following you

You were looking into what bread to get when you felt someone watching you again, and shivers going down your spine

You were about to turn around and check it out until a stranger, a handsome one at that, swung his arm around your shoulder

"Hey babe, did you get the bread yet?" he asked as you were facing the breads once again


"There's a man that's been following you since you entered the store" the stranger whispered to you

You froze for a moment then nodded as you took a loaf of bread in your hands and put in the cart as you started walking with the stranger by your side going into the next aisle

"Thank you so much umm"

"Grayson, and you are?"

"Y/N" you said as you shook his hand, but as you looked behind him you saw that man again

He was dressed in black, in a hoodie with the hood up, but he looked familiar

Grayson turned to see what you were looking at and saw the man again, he quickly took your hand in his and started walking with the cart

"I'll stay with you for the rest of the trip if you'd like?" Grayson offered

You smiled softly and nodded with a small blush with your hands intertwined with Graysons

Both of you continued walking aisle through aisle getting everything you needed for at least a week

Along the way you both got to know each other a little more, you found out that he has twin brother and that they post videos online about funny stuff they do

While you owned a bookstore and had a not so great day along with the possible stalker situation you now had, Grayson was determined to cheer you up

"Can you reach that for me?" You asked as you pointed to the container of food on the top shelf

"Sure" Grayson responded as he got the container but held it up even higher for you to get

"Really Grayson?" you chuckled as you rolled your eyes playfully

"I'll give it to you if you can reach it" he smirked deviously

You jumped to try and get it but failed miserably while Grayson stifled a laugh, then you thought of an idea

Your hands went around his neck as you batted your eyelashes at him

"Gray" you spoke flirtatiously

Grayson started blushing as he gulped

You gently pulled his neck down so your faces were right in front of each other

Both of his hands instinctively went to your waist

"Y-yea" he asked with a stutter

You leaned in slowly while one of your hands got the container that was in Graysons hand and snatched it out as you stepped back and claimed victory

"Ha! I got it!" You cheered making Grayson chuckle and shake his head at your playfulness

"You play dirty"

"I wouldn't have to if you had just given it to me" you responded as you patted his shoulder and continued shopping around

"You're telling me you don't like l/f/c?" Grayson asked as you were both on the last part of your shopping list

"It's just...the flavor, it's disgusting" you chuckled

"You're missing out" Grayson responded as he intertwined his hand with yours again

Soon you went to check out and pay for your stuff

"Well, I guess this is it then" you said sad as he helped you put your stuff in your vehicle

"Yea...I guess it is"

"Umm, thank you for everything, I've never had so much fun at a grocery store" you smiled

"Y-yea, me too" Grayson responded as he rubbed that back of his neck

You smile soon faded as you saw the man getting behind Grayson

"Grayson!" You called out

He turned around and immediately and punched the guy in the face as the guy cried out in pain, holding his nose

You got pepper spray out of your waist and and sprayed it at the stalkers eyes, making the guy scream out louder

"Goddammit Y/N!" The guy screamed, confusing you for a moment, then realizing who it was

"Oh jesus, c/n!" You went to aid your cousin while Grayson held his hand due to the punch he gave your cousin


"H-he's my cousin, quick, get me the milk" you called as Grayson got you the milk

You poured it over your cousins eyes slowly to get the burning to cool down

"You're an idiot c/n, why in the hell would you follow me around like that, you idiot" you said clearly frustrated

"I thought it'd be funny" he said

"Well no one here is laughing" you scolded as you helped your cousin get up from the floor

"Grayson, this is c/n, c/n this is-"

"Your boyfriend, yea, I know, let's go already I'm hungry and want pizza" your cousin said as you and Grayson blushed just looking at the ground

"I guess this is it" you whispered

Grayson nodded, not wanting to make eye contact with you

You made your way to your side of the vehicle as you got in to drive, you started the car and as you were about to go when Grayson knocked on your window

"What's up?" you asked as you put the window down

"Umm, would you like to go out sometime..."

You smiled "I would love to go on a date with you Grayson" you responded as you cupped his cheek and kissed it

You gave him your phone number and were set to text each other later and set up a time for a date

Maybe your cousin stalking you wasn't so bad afterall

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now