Push Ups

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"And time...good job babe" Grayson said as you and him just came home from an early jog

It had been a fifteen minute jog around the block you guys lived in

"I don't understand how you do this everyday" you huffed out as you wiped sweat from your forehead and looked back up at Grayson

He had decided to run shirtless, the way the sun shone glistened against his very well toned body, making you drool a little

"Earth to Y/N" Grayson said trying to capture your attention as he clapped his hands in front of you, finally taking you out of your daze

"W-what's up?" you asked nervously, nervous that he had caught you staring, he was your boyfriend after all, it's not like it was wrong...right?

"Babe I know I'm hot" he smirked, "but we gotta continue our workout ok?" he said as he pecked your cheek and took your hand in his, walking to the outdoor gym Grayson had recently built

"Ok, so what are we starting with?" you asked as you looked at all the gear he had laid out

"Let's start with some light work, you can lift these weights while I lift these, and so you just curl them like this" he said demonstrating on how to do the workout correctly

Meanwhile, you just watched the way triceps and biceps moved, you didn't know it could get any hotter just by looking at him

"You got it?" he asked, ripping you out of your daze once again, you nodded rapidly and took your weights, curling them how he showed you

"Like this" you asked, feeling some muscle work in your arm

"Almost, don't go all the way up, and when you get here, pause for a second then before going down and don't just let the weight drop quickly or you'll hurt yourself, ok?"

You nodded with a smile, making Grayson blush at how cute you were

"O-ok, three sets of fifteen, forty second rest in between, let's start...now" Grayson said as you both began the workout routine

For the next half hour you and Grayson continued working out, only focusing on arm workouts for the day

"Alright let's finish up with some push ups and then we can call it a day, how does that sound?" Grayson asked as he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you from the back, making you giggle, you nodded your head as you both got a push up position

"Can we have ice cream after this?" you asked before starting

"Babe, we were just burning calories"

"Pleaseeee" you asked with a puppy face, making Grayson sigh

"If you can do more push ups than me, sure we can get ice cream" he said with a smirk as you hesitantly agreed

You started with your push up position as you were about to go down, Grayson got under you, making you stop

"What are you doing?" you asked

"As encouragement, every time you come down I'll give you a kiss" he said, making you blush as you agreed slowly

You went down and pecked his lips quickly and then went back up, it distracted you from the pain you were feeling in your arms

You were able to do twenty-three push ups before giving out and laying on top of Grayson, making him chuckle

"Only twenty-three Y/N? You didn't make this too hard for me" he said cockily as he got into his push up position, but before he started you got underneath him and smiled, making him smirk

Everytime he went down you would kiss him, cupping his cheeks and just pecking his lips, but kissing him passionately, distracting him from doing so many push ups

"Fuck this" whispered Grayson as he just dropped from the push up position, not even completing ten push ups, he pinned your arms above your head and leaned down to kiss you roughly, his tongue asking for permission into your mouth, but you denied it, making him stop to take a breather as you both panted

"I won" you whispered, still panting as your forehead was against Grayson's

Grayson chuckled nodding, "you sure did babe, you sure did"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant