The Runaway Princess & Loyal Knight

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b/n= boy's name (who you don't like)

f/n= father's name

m/n= mother's name

"You will marry b/n! His father's kingdom has great resources which we can use!" screamed your father at you from his throne, with your mother by his side on her own throne as you stood in front of them with your knight by your side

"I will not marry b/n! You have no idea what he's like! I refuse to marry someone who I am not in love with!" you screamed back as you stood your ground, rage flowing within you

"That is not a choice for you to make"

"It is! It's my life, I should do what I please with it! Mother, please tell father not to marry me off to b/n" you begged

Your mother rarely went against your father's order, seeing as she too was married off to him, over the years she's learned to love the man, but it was not something she would've wanted for herself

"F/n, please reconsider" spoke your mother to her father

"No, the decision is final! You are to pack your belongings and leave to their castle within the next week" spoke your father

You let the tears fall as you made a small gasping sound, you picked your dress up from the sides and ran to your room, your loyal knight following quick after you

"Princess" spoke the knight as you had locked yourself in your room, "please open" he begged

You opened the door and revealed yourself as a complete mess, tears still rolling down your face with your eyes, puffy from all the crying

"Grayson" you whispered as you hugged the knight around the neck and he hugged you by the waist

He quickly stepped into the room and closed the door so no one could see the princess hugging her knight

Truth was, you were already in love, you were in love with the boy you used to play with in the garden when you were younger, and who grew up to become your personal knight so he could take care of you and hold you close

"I-I don't want to Gray" you whispered, referring to the marriage, as you hugged him tighter and squeezed your eyes shut, letting all the sobs pour from your lips

"I know princess...I know" he sighed as he couldn't find a way to fix this problem

Your father has always wanted anything that would be good for the kingdom, he didn't care about how his family felt about the decision because he believed they had no say in it

"It's late, would you like for me to bring dinner up here for you to eat?" asked Grayson as he lifted your head to look at you, but you remained quiet, "Y/N" he called your name, making you look up

You nodded softly and he kissed your forehead as he went out and decided to tell your parents that you wouldn't be joining them for dinner and that you would be eating in your room for today

"King f/n and Queen m/n, Princess Y/N has decided to eat in her room today" he announced to your parents who were already in the dining hall

"That little brat" muttered f/n

"F/n!" scolded the Queen to her husband, she could tolerate a lot of things, but she would not tolerate someone calling you bad things

"It's true! And don't get in any of my business m/n, I'm sick and tired of you always butting into whatever I have to say!" f/n roared

"I do it for the good of our daughter! She's human and her own person, she should decide who to marry, not us!"

"That's enough!" spoke f/n as he was about to hit m/n, but Grayson was able to stop his hand on time before it could hit your mother

"King f/n, I advise you don't hit the Queen, the people of this kingdom would not respect or obey a King who abuses of his Queen in such way" warned Grayson with a deadly look to the King

F/n ripped his hand out of the knight's hold, "We'll talk about this later" he said as he left the room, leaving the Queen to dine by herself

"I apologize if I overstepped the boundaries my Queen" Grayson bowed

"It's alright Grayson, thank you for protecting me, I can see why Y/N would like you" she spoke, making Grayson's eyes widen and tense

"My Queen, we-"

"No need to explain yourself Grayson, I always knew you two would grow up to like each other, you two were always so caring of each other, you even went through much rigorous training to become her knight...that's why I'll help you both escape tonight"

"But my Queen, what will the King say?"

"It'll be alright, trust me, I've been thinking about this for a while now, I've bought a place far away from here where you both could live happily, go tell Y/N to get ready, you'll leave tonight"

"Y-yes my Queen, thank you!" said Grayson happily as he ran up to your room and burst the door open, surprising you

"Gray? What's wro-" you were about to ask as Grayson lifted you in his arms and kissed you passionately

"Your mom said you and I can escape tonight, just you and me" he said breathlessly as you looked up at him and smiled

You changed quickly into comfortable riding ware and ran to the stable with Grayson by your side

As soon as you got to the stables, your mother was waiting there, with a worried look on her face

"You must hurry, I think your father has found out! I wrote down the directions here, and the horse has been there before, so it'll know the way, you must hurry!"

"Thank you mom" you said as you hugged her tightly, sad that she must stay

Grayson helped you on the horse as he climbed behind you and grabbed the reins

"Guards! Don't let them leave the castle!" Roared your father as Grayson made the horse gallop faster and out of the guards way

"We're free Gray, we're finally free" you said as you leaned back against his chest

"I'll take good care of you Y/N, I promise"

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