I'm In Love With A Criminal

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for this request! I had actually been thinking about writing a mafia imagine for a while so I'm glad this request came through. I'm thinking about making this into a book, what do you guys think? Let me know!

"If you keep screaming that way you'll lose your voice" someone called out as you quickly turned your head to the side to try and make out a figure through the blindfold you had on

"W-who are you?" you asked as you scooted back into the corner, with your hands tied behind your back

You felt someone squat in front of you and slowly lift the blindfold off, making you flinch

"Don't worry princess, I don't bite" he spoke as he took the blindfold off completely from you, "I'm Grayson"

"G-Grayson, a-as in Grayson Dolan? One of the most dangerous mafia bosses in our generation?" you asked nervously as Grayson couldn't help but chuckle

"That's right, but don't worry, I won't kill you, I just needed you as bait"

"Bait?" you asked confused

"Don't tell me your old man has been keeping you in the dark about his little business he has, what a basta-"

"Watch your mouth! You're speaking about my father" you snapped at him, but soon enough shrieked back, knowing it was probably a bad decision yelling at a mafia boss

However, you peaked Grayson's interest, not many dared speak back to him, especially women

"Feisty is she? Anyway, here's the deal princess, your father owes me money, so until he can pay me back, you're gonna be staying with me"

"B-but why? I have nothing to do with any of his business!"

"Precisely, if he wants to get back the daughter who was clueless of his business with us, then he'll pay quick, well, up you go" he said as he carried you on his shoulder

"H-hey, let me down!" you said as you finally managed to untie your hands and you started banging your hands in his back

"B-boss, do you need assistance?" spoke one of Grayson's men

"I got it, her punches are as soft as a pillow" he commented, making you stop and decide to just ignore the mafia boss

A few moment later you and Grayson arrived to a big room that was fully furnished

"This will be your room, you're free to roam around my home, but if any of my men see you trying to escape, they'll drag you to me and I'll make sure you to remind you who's in charge here" he said as he lifted your chin to have you look at him

At that moment, he noticed a certain glistening in your eyes, he didn't know what it was, but it made his heart skip a beat

He quickly let it drop and left your room, leaving you to cry on the big bed in the middle of the room

The next day you woke up groggily, with dry tears on your face, you rubbed your face and went to what seemed to be the dresser and opened it to find clothes of your fitting on there

"Well, seems like he had this all planned out, huh" you muttered to yourself as you heard scratching on your door

You approached your door carefully to have a black and white dog run into your room and just run around like crazy, making you smile at how silly it was

"Hey buddy" you said as you approached the dog slowly and let it sniff your hand before it started licking it

"Aren't you cute...Sledge?" you questioned as you took a look at his blue name tag as you changed clothes quickly and started playing with the dog as it made you giggle at its silly antics

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now