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A/N: This was a request! Thank you so much for the idea, it was amazing and I hope you like it!

The both of you waited on the bathroom floor, your hands held together with your head on Grayson's shoulder, waiting for the result

"What if it's negative again?" you asked quietly as Grayson held his breath for a moment and then let it go

"Then...we can just try again, it's not like it's bad to keep trying...right?" Grayson asked worried as you nodded softly

Soon enough the time had passed and you both looked at the stick in your hand


This was the tenth pregnancy test you had taken in five months

You and Grayson had been married for three years now and decided that you both wanted to have children, it felt like the right time

Both of you tried, and tried and tried for five months straight, only to have all the tests come out negative

You sighed as you put the stick in the trash and moved to Grayson who was still sitting on the floor with his head hung low

"Hey" you whispered as you crouched in front of him and put your hands on his cheeks, making him look up at you, only to see a teary eyed Grayson

"It's not the end of the world baby, we can always try agai-"

"But we always try, we've been trying for months now Y/N, what if it's my fault you aren't pregnant yet? What if I'm infertile? Do you know how low the chances are of conceiving a baby if I'm infertile? They're so low" Grayson broke up frustrated as his tests flowed down his skin

You sat on his lap with your legs around his waist and hugged him him tightly, rubbing his back as he cried onto your shoulder, shaking from all the worry he had of not being able to give you a child

"It's not your fault Gray, for all we know, I could be the infertile one, plus maybe it's too soon to know if I'm pregnant, it does usually take two weeks to find out, and it's only been a week and a half, maybe we can wait a little more" you tried to reason with him as he just stayed silent

After a while you let go and walked with him over to your bedroom and laid down for the night

"Grayson, I love you ok? And if we can't have kids of our own then that's fine, because I still have you in my life" you smiled at him as you pecked his cheek before snuggling into him again as his arms tightened around you

"I love you too" he responded

The next day you woke up to an empty bed, worried you walked around the house to look for your husband he was nowhere to be found until you tried entering the guest room in the house and it was locked

"Grayson are you in there?" You asked worried

"I just need some time alone Y/N...please, I just need to think"

You sighed as you knew you should leave him be

For the next three days Grayson had stayed in that room for the entire day, you had brought him his meals to eat, worried about him starving himself

On fourth day you let him know you were going out, you were, but you didn't tell him where

You were going to go get a check up at the doctors and Ethan was going to go with you

Soon enough you arrived with Ethan already there, you walked in and got a check up to determine if you were really pregnant or not

"Doctor, I've been trying to get pregnant for the last few months but the tests always come back negative, could it be that I'm infertile?" you asked worried

"Well ma'am your blood work and tests results say that you are two months along in your pregnancy stage and-"

"Two months?!" both you and Ethan asked in shock as the doctor simply nodded

"B-but all the tests I've taken say-"

"That's why we don't recommend the sticks, they're always faulty, but you are indeed pregnant and with twins, congratulations" the doctor said

You were beyond happy and so grateful for what you just heard

Soon after, you and Ethan immediately went to Grayson to tell him the good news

But before, you went to the store to get some baby clothes that were gender neutral saying Daddy's Little Angel, and even a shirt for Grayson that said Best Dad In The World

Soon enough you and Ethan got to your home and went over to the guest bedroom Grayson was staying in and busted in, scaring Grayson

"Jesus christ!" screamed Grayson as he saw you both come in

"We have a present for you!" you said excited as you handed him the bags with the clothes

He opened the bag and looked at the clothes, reading them before his eyes widening and looking at your in shock

"I'm, I'm going to be a dad? You're really pregnant?!" he asked as you nodded your head rapidly, tears of joy rolling down both your faces as he picked you up, twirling you around in a hug

"I'm going to be a dad! You're going to be a mom! We're going to be parents! We're having a beautiful kid!"

"Actually...we're having twins!" You said excitedly

"T-twins!! You hear that Ethan! We're having twins!" Grayson said as he picked up his brother in a bear hug happy to have kids

"And I'm going to be the greatest uncle ever!" Said Ethan enthusiastically as the day finished with a bang

Grayson Dolan Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن