Just Hold Me

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"Y/N!" Grayson screamed into the apartment as he popped the front door open

You had sent Grayson a worrying text and he had decided to leave the video him and Ethan were walking on and go to you, he wanted to make sure you didn't do something bad

"Baby where are you?!" Grayson continued screaming through the apartment trying to find you, his voice choked up at all the negative thoughts of what you couldn't done

Then he heard the sobs coming from your room and he tried to open it but it was locked

"Y/N, please let me in, let me be there for you" he pleaded against the door

You got up from the edge of the bed and made your way to the door and unlocked it, Grayson immediately opened it before you thought of locking it again

He embraced you in his warmth while you fell to the ground sobbing onto his shoulder

"W-what's wrong?" he asked

You just shook your head not wanting to talk about the situation, "just hold me" were the only three words you spoke for the rest of the night

In the morning you woke up to an empty bed, making you think that the actions from last night were just a dream, that was until you smelt breakfast from the kitchen

You walked to kitchen to see the view of your boyfriend making some pancakes, you went behind him and wrapped your arms around him

"Good morning sleepy head" he said turning around to face you, "how are you feeling"

"Much better, thank you" you said pecking his cheek and going back to hugging him

"What was going on?" he asked

You sighed letting out a huge breathe, you didn't want to talk about it yet, you knew you could trust Grayson with anything and everything and he would never judge you, but this was something that you just didn't feel ready to talk about

"I just needed someone to hold me" you said

Grayson understood that you wouldn't tell him then, "ok, how about we have breakfast then"

"I'd like that" you said getting out the plates so the day could continue and hopefully be a lot better than the previous day

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now