I'm So Embarrassed

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A/N: This was a request from @turtlesoup_. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!

f/n= friend's name

"Say hi Y/N" spoke your friend as they filmed you with their phone while you were on some silly gas due to surgery

"Hi Y/N" you giggled

"Oh you are going to hate me later"

"I could never hate you! I love you bestie" you spoke in a silly voice

"Excuse me miss? We're going to put these boys in here with you while we find a new room for them" spoke the nurse to you while you just looked at her in confusion

"Are they hot?" You asked bluntly, causing f/n to stifle a laughter and the nurse to giggle while they brought in what seemed to be twin boys

"They're names are Ethan and Grayson, boys, say hi to your temporary roommate"

"Hi temporary roommate" they said at the same time as they were both under the silly gas effect as well

"Oh my gosh they are hot, but you're hotter!" You exclaimed as you pointed at Grayson

"I'm hot? Ethan, am I hot?" Grayson asked as his brother touched his forehead

"Nah, you're just ugly" Ethan said as he laughed loudly

Grayson pouted and started tearing up, "I'm ugly!" He exclaimed

"You're not ugly, you're really handsome" you reassured

Meanwhile, f/n took her phone out to once again record you in your silly interactions with the twins

"Thank you wifey" Grayson said normally as he smiled at you

"You're so welcome, my beloved husband!"

"I want to get married too!" Pouted Ethan and crossing his hands like a little boy

"You can't have her! She's mine! My wifey" exclaimed Grayson as he took your hand in his, seeing that your guys bed were right next to each other

You giggle like a silly school girl, "I'm so in love with you...husband I don't know your name"

"I'm Grayson-"

"No, I'm Grayson!" Spoke Ethan

"No! I am Grayson, I'm your husband!"

"Nah uh" retorted Ethan

"Yea huh"

"Nah uh"

"Yea huh"


"Stop!" You screamed "...whoever is my husband knows when my birthday is!"

"B-but I don't know when your birthday is" spoke Grayson

"Me either" agreed Ethan

"Th-then neither of you are my husband!"

"But I love you!" Spoke Grayson as he got off his bed and got on yours

"If you loved me, you would know when I was born!" You pouted

"I sowy" Grayson said as he gave you puppy eyes, making your smile and giggle like a schoolgirl, hugging him tightly

"Oh, I love you!"

"No one loves me" whined Ethan

"That's not true...what about Gizmo? Gizmo loves you!" said Grayson (Gizmo is the little bird they have in New Jersey)

"I'll marry Gizmo then!"

"Y-You aren't going to leave me for Gizmo, right?" You asked Grayson with puppy eyes

"Never! I love you and only you!"

In between the whole ordeal, the twins mom stepped into the room and notice the scene that was happening before her, stifling a laughter

"Y/N L/N? You're free to go" spoke a nurse as she stepped in to help you out

"Ok Y/N, up you go-"spoke your friend

"But my husband! I can't leave him!" You said, clinging onto Grayson's arm

"Ma'am, is it ok if I leave you my friends number, I'm sure she would want to contact your son when she's off the effect of the silly gas"

"Oh of course sweetheart! I was just about to ask you to send me that video so I can show my son how it acted" giggled Mrs.Dolan as f/n sent her the video and she sent her Grayson's contact information

"Oh my gosh f/n! That is so embarrassing!" You said as you covered your face with your hands as you finished watching the video

"Looks like a bold Y/N comes out with the silly gas effect" chuckled your friend

"I'm so embarrassed, oh my gosh, I hope I never see him again...although, he is really cute" You said as you looked at the paused video and saw your 'husband' and you, holding hands

Your phone started ringing, the number being an unknown number, you cautiously picked up


"Hey...is this Y/N?" asked the voice on the other side of the phone, it being of a male

"Uh, yea, who's this?"

"Grayson, stop! Hey, yea, this is Ethan, I'm Grayson's twin brother, I wanted to give you a call through his phone so you could have his number, he's too scared to talk to you-"

"I'm not scared!" you heard through the other side of the phone as the brother argued

"Oh no" you said as you laughed nervously

"Hello? Hey, uh, this is Grayson" he spoke through the phone

"Uh, h-hi" you spoke nervously

"Umm, so-"

"I'm not usually like that!" You blurted out, "I-I'm usually not that bold, I was under the silly gas effect a-and I didn't know what I was doing..."

"Ha, yea, same here, that gas sure did a number on all of us" chuckled Grayson nervously, "umm, I just wanted to say that, you're...fuck, you're really pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go on a date sometime" he asked nervously, hand on his neck, hoping you'll say yes

"O-oh, a date? Umm, yea, a date sounds good" you smiled

"Really? Yes! I-I mean, umm, ha, great" he said still nervous

"This Saturday, at 9, at the coffee shop near the place we had surgery?" You suggested

"O-oh, yea! Yea, this Saturday sounds good...I look forward to seeing you wifey"

You blushed, "I-I look forward to seeing your too...husband of mine"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara