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A/N: This was a request from @Ameliagc06. They are always sending me such great requests ideas and I couldn't be more thankful for that! I really enjoyed writing this imagine and I hope you enjoy it too! Requests are always open!

It's been hours that Grayson has been craving your attention

Usually he wasn't clingy, but your boyfriend hasn't seen you since morning and really craved your touch, your warmth, your attention

Grayson walked around the house that he, Ethan, you and Kristina share, he found Kristina and Ethan in the kitchen talking about some festival that was going to be in town

Grayson took a look at the clock to see it was one in the afternoon

He went outside and didn't see you then went to the library room and saw you hanging out there

He tiptoed in while you were talking with your sister Annabel, she basically lived on the other side of the world

"Oh, hi Grayson" spoke Annabel through the phone as she saw Grayson in the background of your FaceTime call with your sister

You turned and saw Grayson behind you, always looking as cute as ever in his sweats

"Hi Annabel, long time no see" responded Grayson as he hugged you from behind and kissed your temple softly

"Haven't seen you in a long time either" Grayson whispered into your ear as he hugged you tightly, making you chuckle

"It's just been since morning Gray" you chuckled

"Do you want to go out somewhere?" he asked

"Actually I just wanted to spend the day talking to if you could umm, leave for a bit while I talk with her" you suggested trying not to sound rude

Grayson's eyes widened for a moment before nodding and leaving the room

You sighed, feeling bad for having practically kicked him out

Meanwhile Grayson just stood behind the door, trying to calm his emotions

Does she not want me anymore? Am I asking for too much? Am I being too clingy? Grayson questioned as he walked around the house looking for something to do

Soon he went to his brother and his girlfriends room only to find that they weren't there, that's when he remembered that they had mentioned they were going to go to the festival that was going into town because Kristina's favorite band was playing

Grayson sighed once again as he plopped down on his brothers bed with his arm extended on the side of the bed you would usually sleep on in your guys room, envisioning you there with him, cuddled up and enjoying each others presence

That's when everything got to him, there was no one at home to be able to talk to or enjoy the time with

His brother was out with his girlfriend and you were on the phone with your sister, all he wanted was the attention of someone, he craved for your attention specifically, but you were on the phone with your sister and he didn't really want to interrupt, but he needed you

All of the loneliness got to him, tears just waterfalled down his face as he sobbed out, he just wanted your attention

Around four hours later is when your call with your sister ended since she had to go sleep

You sighed and stretched your body out, you took a look at the clock and it was five o'clock now, you left the library room and looked around the house to see if anyone was at home

You came across Ethan's room and found Grayson laying there, you smiled as you stepped closer only to find him with puffy eyes and streams of tears stained on his face

Your heart broke at the sight before you

"Gray, sweetie" you whispered as you shook him lightly to wake him up

His eyes fluttered open, as soon as he saw you, he sat up quickly and took a hold of you in his arms and gave you a tight embrace as you hugged him back just as tight

You could feel him cry again as he shook a little while holding you, your legs around his torso

Your fingers softly ran through his hair as it helped calm him down a little

"Let's go shower Gray" you whispered as he nodded and got up, still holding you in an embrace as he walked to your guys room and into the bathroom, setting your down only to undress

Grayson undressed as you set the shower to the right temperature and then you undressed as Grayson got out a set of towels for when you both get out

You took Grayson's hand in yours as you both stepped into the shower and closed the door, you both stood there for a moment under the shower just the water hitting both of your bodies

You slowly walked to Graysons chest and hugged him, your arms around his nude chest

Grayson grabbed the shampoo bottle and put a bit on his hand and then into your hair as he washed it for you

Everything at that moment was just pure love, nothing erotic or lustful, everything was done out of love

You rubbed Graysons back softly with a sponge, you stopped and let the water carry the shampoo off of Grayson's toned back

You kissed his shoulder as you told him you were done

You turned off the shower and got out as you both dried yourselves up before changing into comfortable clothing

"I missed you today baby" Grayson muttered as he dried your back

You quickly turned around and pulled his face down to yours and kissed him passionately, his hands catching onto your bareskin waist as he pulled you into him

"'I'm so sorry baby boy, Annabel lives halfway across the world and I barely have time to see her because of the time change" you whispered

Grayson knew about that, he knew you barely had time to see your sister, yet he yearned for your attention all day

"I know, I just missed you" he whispered as his hands trailed up and down your figure

"I missed you too" you responded as you both held each other for a few more moments before you finished getting dressed and getting into bed

Finally you both crawled into bed and you laid on your side of the bed as you cuddled into Graysons chest, taking in his warmth and with Graysons arm around you, pulling you into him, just as he had envisioned it earlier

"I love you Gray" you said as you kissed his chest and nuzzled yourself back into him

"I love you too Y/N...I love you so much"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ