You Can't Blame Me

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f/r=favorite restaurant

You cried

You cried in the dark as you tried to have the tears stop from flowing, but they had no intention of stopping any time soon

Today was supposed to be a good day, it started out great, so why didn't it end great?

You thought back to how the morning had started

"Good morning baby girl" Grayson spoke from behind you as he kissed your shoulder and nuzzled you into his chest

You smiled with your eyes closed, turning around opening them so Grayson could be the first thing you saw in the morning

"Morning" you whispered happily and kissed his nose, making the man next to you smile and pull you into his chest, letting out a big sigh

"You're going to be out all day today too?" you asked as you tried to disguise the sadness in your voice

" should be the last day though, Ethan and I are working on a big project, but today should be the last day...if you want, I can stop by f/r and get the food you like, how does that sound, princess?" Grayson said as he tickled your sides slightly to cheer you up

"That sounds perfect" you responded

After that you had both gotten up from bed and prepared yourselves for the day ahead, Grayson went out to finish the project with his brother, while you stayed alone at home again, tidying up around the house and making sure everything was organized, a habit you had grown accustomed to ever since Grayson started leaving home for the whole day

It pained you being at home by yourself all day

You didn't really have friends to hang out with and if you were to go out by yourself, you wouldn't know what to do or where to go

The whole day had gone by slowly but surely, Grayson would always go back home around five or six o'clock, however it was now seven and you were starting to become worried

You had tried calling him and texting him but he had not answered any of his calls or texts, you were contemplating on calling Ethan when you heard a loud slam from the front door

You rushed from the kitchen to the living room and saw an angered Grayson pacing around in the living room

"Umm, sweetie-"

"Do you have dinner ready?" he asked angered, making you a bit shocked


"I said, do you have dinner ready?! Can't you hear me or something?! Gotta go clean your ears from all the earwax you're letting sit in there?!"

"I-I-I...there's no dinner because you said you were going to f/r and-" you spoke softly only to have him cut you off

"Well I didn't fucking go! Ok?! Now go and make something!" he yelled at you

This anger of his was very out of character for him, you couldn't understand what was running through his mind, but you weren't going to let him speak to you like that



"I said no, I'm not going to make dinner for you, you said you were going to f/r to get food and you didn't, if you had let me know beforehand that you weren't going to go, then maybe I could've made dinner"

"God fucking damn it, just stop making life harder for me and make something to eat!"

"Make it yourself! And don't yell at me! I am not a maid for you to order around, I am your girlfriend!"

Grayson walked towards you aggressively and got a hold of your shoulders

"Just make-"


Grayson had his head turn to the side after the strong slap you had put across his face, clearly leaving a mark

You breathed in and out heavily as tears started to form in your eyes

You stepped away from Grayson and had his arms drop his sides and he just looked down

"I don't know what may have happened today with your project, but whatever happened, whatever made you this angry, isn't my fault. You can't blame me for your day having gone bad. I have to tolerate almost every single day alone in this house since you started that project and you know how much I hate being alone" by this point the tears were already streaming down your face as you shook from everything you had been holding in

"I've had to hold in so many things, I never once asked you to stay home, or leave work early, or tell you to forget about your project, I haven't lashed out at you because just seeing you happy made my whole waiting worth it...but I will not tolerate you coming in here and lashing out on me because you had a bad day, I understand if you want to express your emotions, but yelling at me and trying to tell me what to do is not the way to treat me. You can sleep on the couch until you've learned to understand that, you know where the extra blankets and pillows are" you said as you stomped to the the bedroom you and Grayson shared and locked yourself in

That's what led you to the moment you were currently in, crying in the dark

Meanwhile Grayson had started feeling the after effects of the slap you gave him

He knew he did wrong, lashing out on you like that, he just had a terrible day at work, he even forgot about going to f/r to get dinner and now you were the one upset with him

"Fuck" he muttered he threw his head back and let the tears stream down his face

After a few moments to collect himself, he went out to f/r and got you your favorite food and quickly went back home, running to the room, stopping outside of it, nervous of what to say to you

"Y-Y/N?" he spoke out loud with his voice cracking from the crying he had done

"Baby...I'm sorry, please" he said as he leaned his forehead against the door, "I had a bad day at work today, the project was extended for another week...we were supposed to finish today, but things ended up badly and we had to add a week to the project, I was mad because...because I knew that meant I had to leave you alone at home again! Even after I said today was the last day, it was all screwed and I forgot I had told you I would bring dinner and I-I just lashed out on you, I'm sorry Y/N, please, let me in, let me hold you, I need you in my arms right now, I need your warmth...please" he begged as he let the tears fall his face

You immediately opened the door and engulfed him in a hug, you crying tears of your own as he hugged you back tightly

"It's ok...I get it, I understand you need more time for the project, I'll wait, I'll wait everyday as long as I get to see you come through the door happy again" you whispered as Grayson whispered a soft thank you and kissed your forehead, before stepping back and looking at your face

Your eyes red and puffy from all the crying you had done, making his heart ache, knowing he was the reason for your tear stained face

"I brought your favorite food from f/r...let's go eat" he said as he picked you up in his arms and you wrapped your legs around his waist

He set you down and got the food out

"You only brought food for me?"

"I guess I must've forgotten to get food for myself" he scratched his head nervously, making you shake your head with a smile

"We can share this, sit" you said as you sat him in front of you and fed him food while you also ate yourself

Grayson cupped your cheeks and had you look at him, he smiled softly at you as he rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs, "You're beautiful" he whispered, causing your cheeks to blush red

"You're so random Gray" you said all flustered

"But it's true, my beautiful girlfriend, my baby, my princess...I love you"

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