Christmas Surprise

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A/N: This was a request! Thank you so much for this idea! Christmas is right around the corner so I really enjoyed writing this!

Warning: some holiday cussing

L/N=last name

"Good morning baby, Merry Christmas" spoke Grayson in a deep sleepy voice as he kissed your temple softly

You were in New Jersey for the holidays with your boyfriend and it was finally christmas day

The week had been eventful, Grayson had taken you around town, showing you places that he and Ethan would hangout at when they were younger, taking you christmas shopping for his family, and helping you interact with his bird Gizmo

You cuddled into his arms, taking in the extra warmth that your boyfriend naturally generated

"Merry Christmas Gray" you said sleepily as Grayson gently rubbed his hand against your arm

"Ho Ho Ho motherfuckers!" Ethan said as he bursted into the room that you and Grayson were sleeping in

You laughed lightly as Grayson threw a pillow at Ethan's direction, hitting the door when Ethan closed it

"We should start getting ready, I'm sure your mom will want some help in the kitchen to make tonight's dinner" you said as you got up and stretched, both of you getting ready

Throughout the day you helped Mrs.Dolan clean up and start the dinner, not many people would be going, just you, Grayson, Ethan, Mrs.Dolan and Cameron (Ethan and Grayson's sister)

"How did you two sleep last night? Was it too cold?" asked Mrs.Dolan as she was cutting the potatoes while you washed them and dried them

"We slept well, Grayson naturally radiates incredible warmth, so we slept very cozy" you chuckled making Mrs.Dolan laugh as well

"I'm so happy my son and you met, he's always talking about how perfect you are and how much you help him in everything he needs, I'm so grateful that he met you Y/N"

"I'm very happy I met him, he's totally switched my life upside down, in a good way" you chuckled, "he always has a smile on his face which is contagious and can just, it just lights up a whole room! It's amazing the things he's able to do to, like how he and Ethan build you a garden or when they rebuilt their van, he's a man of many talents and I'm so grateful for that" you said as you smiled

Little did you know, Grayson was just around the corner of the kitchen, hearing everything you and his mom had said, happy he took a decision that would surprise you later in the night

Soon enough you and Mrs.Dolan had finished preparing dinner and had decided since it was just the five of you, that it would be fun to just dress in pjs for dinner and then open the presents

"Graysonnnnnn!" you yelled out as he lifted you over his shoulder and ran around the house

"Say I'm the best!" he laughed

"Never! I'm the best!" you giggled as you were taken through the dining table and saw Mrs.Dolan finish setting it with Cameron

"Cameron! Help me your brother has gone crazy!"

They just laughed as Grayson finally set you down and took his seat to eat dinner next to you

Soon enough it was time to open presents as everyone rushed to the living room and started to open presents one by one

You were a little nervous since you got everyone what you assumed they would like, luckily though, they expressed that they loved their presents

"From Y/N to Grayson" Grayson ready out loud with a smile on his face

You were very excited and nervous on what you had gotten Grayson, it has been about two years since the both of you are dating and you had worked on a painting from a picture of where you guys had your first date

He slowly unwrapped it and stared at it in awe, his eyes becoming watery at the memories it was bringing

"This is beautiful baby, thank you" he whispered as he wrapped you in his arms securely

You nodded and grabbed your last present, you unwrapped it and inside it was a paper that said to look to the kitchen, you looked and became confused

"Grayson, this says it's from you, what is it supposed to-" you said as you turned around and widened your eyes at the view in front of you

Grayson was down on one knee, nervously looking up at you as your hands had gone over your mouth, not believing what was happening

"Y/ and I have been dating for almost two years now a-and you make me so happy, so, so happy. We've had our ups and downs and we've grown because of them, over the years you've become one of my best friends and I sincerely can't imagine my life without you, you make the man I am today, a happy man who only loves you and will forever only love you, Y/N L/N...will you marry me please?" he finished as he got a box out of his pj pocket and opened it, revealing a beautiful engagement ring

You nodded rapidly with tears streaming down your eyes as you tackled him to the floor, hugging him tightly as he hugged you back in his arms

"Yes Grayson, I will marry you" you whispered into him as you raised your head to look at him and saw tears streaming down his eyes as well

He grabbed the ring from the box and took your hand in his and easily slipped the ring onto your finger, fitting perfectly, just how the christmas day had ended


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