Public Drinking

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d/n= daughter's name

"Sweetie, are you sure you want to go out tonight? You seem kind of...stressed?" said Grayson as you put your baby in the car seat, securing the seat belts

You sighed as you made your way to the front seat and sat down, Grayson in the driver's seat, "This would be the fourth time we cancel on Ethan and Kristina, I don't want to cancel anymore, let's just go and enjoy ourselves, ok?" you smiled tiredly at your husband

He smiled back softly at you as he kissed your forehead, "Ok baby, let's go"

You all agreed to meet at a restaurant nearby, nothing too fancy since you had your baby with you, but it would be the first time you go out in months since you gave birth to your little girl

"You ok?" asked Grayson as he looked at you slightly before turning back to the road

"Yea, I'm just nervous I guess, it's our first time going out with d/n, just don't want anything bad to happen" you confessed

"Don't worry babe, with me by your side, nothing bad will ever happen" Grayson smirked cockily

"I remember you saying that to me once, when you took me out to learn how to skate 'your style' and I ended up with lots of cuts on my elbows after you didn't catch me like you said you would"

"H-Hey, that only happened once"

"Because we only ever did it once, I told you I would never skate your style anymore" you chuckled remember as Grayson smiled embarrassingly

Soon enough the three of you got to the restaurant and found Ethan and Kristina sitting in a table near the window with a baby seat already at the table

"Aww, thank you for remembering to ask for a baby seat Kristina" you said as you greeted them, settling your baby down on its seat

"Hey, it could've been me who asked for it" protested Ethan

"Yea, but knowing you, you probably didn't because you forgot the name of the baby seat" snorted Grayson as he sat next to you

"That is indeed what happened" chuckled Kristina

"Hey! need to rub it in" he mumbled making everyone laugh

Soon enough a waiter came as you all ordered your food and drinks

"What's d/n going to eat?" asked Ethan

"Oh, we brought her some milk since she ate some baby food at home" Grayson explained as you nodded and went to take the bottle out of your purse to show him, but the milk bottle wasn't in there

"Gray, did you put the milk in the purse?" you asked


"Which purse?"

"The red one"

"I said I was taking the white purse because we didn't need to carry a big purse around with us" you sighed as you rubbed your temples

"But you always take the red purse, how was I supposed to know?" he defended

"Because I told you I was taking the white purse!"

"Guys, guys, let's not fight ok, we'll figure it out, you can always feed her from your chest, right Y/N?" talked Kristina as she tried to calm you and Grayson down

You sighed as you nodded, "Yea, I have a blanket in this purse"

"Well, it's settled then, ooo, food!" said Ethan happily as he saw the waiter come back with the food you guys ordered, you thanked the waiter as they left and started eating

You and Kristina were talking about some modeling shots that she was having soon, while Ethan and Grayson were talking about new ideas for their podcast

D/n suddenly started whaling around, catching a few people's attention

"She must be hungry" you said as you took your baby in your arms and rocked her a little while Grayson got out the blanket from your purse and put it on your chest so you could pull your shirt down to feed your baby

"There you go, good girl d/n" you said as you fed her

A few moments later a bunch of what seemed college boys passed by and saw you feeding your daughter

"Hey lady! You're not allowed to do that in public, that's disgusting and ain't nobody wanna see your breasts! Bet she got knocked up and doesn't even know how to take care of a baby, disgusting" spoke one of them as they all snickered at what the guy said

You were about to speak up until Grayson spoke first, "How dare you speak to my wife like that! She didn't get knocked up, she got married to me! And she's a great mother to our daughter, and if she's feeding her in public, it's because I put the milk in the wrong purse, but that's none of your business, and it's not disgusting to feed a child in public, I bet your mom did that when she had you, it's nothing to be ashamed of! Plus she's covered so no one has to see anything, only I can see them!"

"G-Grayson!" you blushed at what Grayson said at the end

"Sir, we're going to have to ask you and your group to leave, you're causing a commotion" spoke the manager of the group of boys as he called security to get them out

By the time everything was done your baby had finished feeding and she was sleeping quietly in your arms

Grayson sat next to you, still fired up as he tried breathing in and out to calm down while Ethan and Kristina were just quiet

"Gray" you spoke softly as Grayson turned his head to you and kissed his cheek, "Thank you Gray" you said as you laid your head on his shoulder, your baby still in your arms

"You still know how to make him blush" spoke Ethan as he saw his brother with pink dusted cheeks, making you smile

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