I Need You

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A/N: Happy New Years!

"But...Grayson...you-you promised!" you cried out through the phone call with Grayson

It was nearing New Years and he had promised you that he would spend it with you, he would go out to you at your hometown, but a brand deal came up and he had to cancel plans with spending the new year with you

"Y/N, I know" he sighed, running his hand through his hair, "but babe, this brand deal is important for Ethan and I-"

"It's always 'Ethan and I' isn't it! Why, why are you making it so hard for me to see you! I need you Grayson! You don't know how-how I've felt lately" you said as your emotions started pouring out

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't been feeling myself lately, I-I'm also sad, I'm always crying about something dumb, I don't go out anymore, I thought that, that if you came then you could help me b-because I miss you so damn much, but NOW you're telling you can't come!"

"Y/N...I-I had no idea you felt that way, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Grayson asked softly

"B-because it wasn't anything at first, or at least I thought it wasn't, but this feeling inside of me, this-this loneliness inside of me grew, a-and I just can't take it anymore" you sobbed out, "I want you to hold me Gray, I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me everything's going to be ok, I want you to whisper sweet nothings into my ear, I-I just need you near again, at least for one moment" you cried out

"Y/N...I-I can't...I'm sorry but I really can't" Grayson whispered, with his heart hurting for you, "You know I would love nothing more but to have you with me at all times, and never leave you alone, but I just...I can't right now, the brand deal offer we-" he said until you hung up

You were too tired to be hearing excuses from someone who wouldn't come see you

You threw your phone to the side and crawled onto the bed in your apartment and curled yourself up into a ball, hugging one of the pillows to your chest and just sobbed

Meanwhile Grayson sighed when you hung up

"You ok bro?" Ethan asked Grayson as he was leaving helping him unpack their stuff at an hotel near to you

"Yea, I just don't think the whole brand deal excuse was a good idea, I should've just told her the truth" he sighed, rubbing his face

"Why don't you go see her?"

"Do you really think she'll want to see me right now E? After what I said...maybe it's better if we go back"

"I don't think so, we went through all this trouble so you could see Y/N because you missed her, we canceled meetings so we could fly in early, we are not going back just so you could mop around at home, especially with New Years in a few hours" Ethan spoke up authoritatively

"I am getting you an uber so you can go see her and that's final" he finished as he took his phone out to get Grayson an uber

Thirty minutes later, a knock was heard on your front door

I wonder who's knocking so late you thought to yourself as you got up

"Who is it?" you called out before opening

"Pizza delivery!" the person on the other side of the door said, his voice sounding familiar

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong apart-"

"It says this order is for the most beautiful and loving girl in the world, the girl who makes my heart beat fast but who can also calm it at the same time, it's for the girl who I wouldn't imagine living without and who I really regret lying to when I wanted to surprise her, it's for the girl I would be willing to put aside everything for if it meant I could keep her in my life forever" the person on the other side of the door said with their voice cracking

Your eyes welling up with tears, you opened the door and found Grayson with a few tears running down his face while he held a pizza

You chuckled softly at the sight in front of you

"W-what's wrong?" Grayson asked confused

"Nothing" you sniffed "You just look funny...holding the pizza" you smiled as Grayson broke out a smile as well

You both walked into the house and Grayson set the pizza down on a table nearby, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in softly to his chest

"I'm sorry" he whispered as he caressed your hair, taking in your scent, something that he missed dearly

"It's ok Gray...just no more lies like that, please, at least for the new year" you said as you smiled and kissed his cheek, he nodded and picked up suddenly, making you laugh out loud as he took you to your bedroom and plopped down on top of you, making you grunt

"Babe, I love you, I really do, but you're squishing the life out of me" you gasped for air playfully as he got off and laughed, laying next to you, cuddling you

A few hours later, you both started hearing fireworks outside, both of you looked at each other and ran to the balcony, hand in hand, smiling and laughing as you got outside and saw the fireworks explode in the sky

"Happy new years Gray!" you said as you hugged him happily

"Happy new years to you too Y/N, I wish that I get to spend every year with you in my arms like this" he whispered into your ear and kissed your lips softly, cupping your cheeks with his warm hands

"I love you Y/N" he finished as you both hugged each other, watching the sky with the exploding colors decorating it, making the new year's just the way you wanted it to be, perfect

Grayson Dolan ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя