We Made Memories Here

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it!

b/g= bad guy

"What do you mean you can't find her, you said she was dead! A dead person can't just get up and walk!" spoke Grayson infuriated

"W-We're sorry sir! We don't know what happened to her body" spoke one of the nurses nervously

"It's my wife's body! Dammit!"

"Gray, calm down bro" spoke Ethan as he tried to calm his brother down, Kristina watching in the background, not knowing what to do

"This is such bull E" Grayson said tiredly

He could see it so clearly in his head as the last few days flashed before his eyes

You had been racing when your car flipped and you ended up losing your memory because of the accident

Days later you were proclaimed dead and then you disappear

It was a roller coaster of emotions for your husband

"Show your cameras, maybe we can see if someone took her body" Grayson said with his fists clenched

"S-sorry sir, but we aren't allowed to-"

"Show me the fucking cameras!"

"Y-yes sir!"

"Gray, you need to calm down" spoke Ethan as he and his brother followed the nurse to the camera room

"Calm down? I just lost my wife, she got into a car accident, then forgot who I was, then died, and now someone took her dead body" Grayson said as he gritted his teeth, "and you still expect me to calm down?"

Soon enough Grayson and Ethan took a look at the footage when they noticed that a guy went into your room after hours, dressed up as a worker and took your body out in a hospital bed

"Zoom in on his face" spoke Grayson as he paid attention to any little detail that could help him locate your body

If he couldn't have you in his life, making him smile and giving butterflies, then he at least wanted to give you a proper funeral

As soon as the nurse zoomed in, Grayson knew exactly who it was

B/g, the guy who wanted everything Grayson had

From being able to race like him, to wanting you, just because Grayson had you

"Fucking prick," Grayson mumbled, "go to the garage and zoom in on the license plate of the guy"

"Here it is"


And with that, Grayson asked Kristina to track down the license plate of the vehicle in which your body was taken in

"This may take a few days" she spoke

"Just do it quickly...please, I need to find her, if b/g took her, then that must mean she's not actually dead"

A few days later and Kristina was able to track down the license plate of the vehicle

"I was able to find the license plate, and there are cameras that show where the vehicle passes through frequently...but the person driving it seems to be Y/N, not b/g" Kristina explained

"Then why doesn't she just drive back here?" Asked Grayson

"It could be that her losing her memory was real, but just not her dying.B/g probably made her think of something else that makes her not know or try to avoid us, I think more specifically you"

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