Teddy Bear

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"Gray can you get the boxes for our room please!" you screamed throughout the new apartment that you and Grayson had bought together

You guys have been together for one full year and everything had been wonderful

When Grayson proposed the idea of moving in together, you were hesitant at first

It wasn't that you didn't want to move in with him, you were just embarrassed that he would think you're weird or not mature enough because of one secret you kept...you still sleep with a teddy bear

You guys kept unpacking until pretty much everything was unpacked, except the boxes for your guys room

"Gray, imma order some pizza!" you said as you dialed the number and started ordering

Meanwhile, Grayson had started unpacking your boxes and setting your clothes in their spot when he came across a teddy bear

It seemed old, a bit roughed up, but it was still clearly a teddy bear

"Hey Gray, I ordered your favo-" you said but cut off to see Grayson with your bear

"Do you sleep with this?" He asked curiously to which you just nodded slowly, not too sure on what to do

He just smiled and put the bear down on the bed and walked to you cupping your cheeks and kissing you deeply

He let go, leaving you in a daze from such a passionate kiss, "that's fucking adorable" he whispered as he kissed your forehead and hugged you

"Y-you don't think I'm childish?" you asked softly

He shook his head no and looked at you, "I think it's really cute that you sleep with a bear...but I don't think you'll be needing it anymore, I'll be your new teddy bear from now on, how does that sound?"

"I don't know Gray...do you give good snuggles" you teased playfully

"The best snuggles in the whole world, you can ask Ethan" he chuckled as he lifted you and carried you to the bed to snuggle with you

You kissed his forehead and realized you had nothing to worry about from the beginning

"I love you Gray" you whispered

"I love you too Y/N" he responded as you both were starting to fall asleep, but then heard a knocking

"Pizza delivery for Y/N!"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now