They're Just Rumors

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A/N: This was a request from @daydreamer33d. Thank you so much for this request! I hope you like reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

"Is this all you came for?! Just to accuse me of some rumor!" you screamed at your boyfriend as your threw your hands up in frustration

"Then how do you explain the picture of you with that guy on the beach? He looked real handsy with you!" Grayson screamed back, recalling the picture that had popped up on his phone from a media outlet, claiming that you cheated on Grayson

"How many damn times do I have to explain myself! That's not me in the picture! The day they're saying I was at the beach, I was visiting my friends at a new shop they opened!" you defended, making Grayson scoff

You had been having a good day, you were out at the park, enjoying some sunlight since you don't have the chance to go out so much, due to your busy schedule, when Grayson decides to call you and ask you where you were

As soon as you told him, he hung up and ten minutes later, a fuming Grayson showed up in front of you, accusing you of cheating on him, leading you both to the current situation you were in

"Bullshit! That's clearly your shirt!"

"You know there's other people who own the same shirts I do, right? I'm not the only person to own that shirt, Grayson!"

"Then explain-"

"Stop! I'm done explaining anything to you!" you screamed as you pushed him away and started walking, only to have him grab you by the wrist and pull you back to face him

"We're not done talking abou thi-" he said, but got cut off by the slap you have him, having his head turn to the side as you breathed in and out heavily, teardrops forming in your eyes

"I've told you many times I didn't cheat on you" you said, your voice breaking, "And yet, anything I have to say, you don't believe...I don't understand how you could think I could ever do such a thing to you, but I would never...I think...I think w-we" you said, unable to finish your sentence

You didn't want to be accused anymore, it hurt you that he accused you, but was it a good enough reason to break up with him?

Without finishing your sentence, you ran away to your apartment, leaving a stunned Grayson at the park, with a red handprint across his face

"Fuck" he muttered to himself as everything went rushing to him

He knew it was dumb, he knew it was dumb to accuse of cheating on him, you would never do that to him

His past relationships have brought him so many trust issues that he couldn't help but think the same thing would happen in the relationship with you

Now that he thought back to the picture, the girl in it had a different shade of hair from yours

He now understood that you hadn't cheated on him, nor would you ever cheat on him, and now he had messed everything up with you, screaming at you, accusing you

"I need to fix this" he said to himself as he ran to his car and drove to your apartment, he got there quickly and was about to know on the door when he heard your sobs from outside

You were suffering alone, with no one to lean on, with no shoulder to cry on, and it was all his fault

His heart ached as he put his forehead against the door lightly and let some tears flow down his face before coming up with an idea as he rushed back to his car

Meanwhile you had gotten home after running from the park and locked yourself in your apartment

You threw yourself on your couch and sobbed your eyes out

You loved Grayson, you really did, he was the sweetest and gentlest person you had ever met, he was always so nice and caring with you, many people thought that it wasn't someone else you were talking about when you described being with him

But now, your heart ached and it was for him

You wanted him near, yet you wanted him far as well

You wanted to be held in his warm arms as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear, yet you wanted him to be away from you

"I hate feelings" you muttered as you grabbed a tissue and blew out your nose

A knock to your door came soon after, you however, had no intention in answering, you just wanted to stay pent up in your apartment with no one to bother you

However, your attention turned to the door as soon as the knob turned and there stood Grayson with now a faded red handprint on his face

You turned your face to the side, not wanting to look at him as you were sitting down in front of your couch, on the floor, your legs crossed together

Grayson gave out a small sigh as he walked in with a bag full of things and closed the door, later kneeling down in front of you and looking down, trying to think of what to say to you

"I'm sorry" Grayson spoke out in sobs as he closed his eyes tightly to try and stop the tears from rolling down his face, "I'm so sorry" he repeated

Your heart hurt, seeing your lover in front of you, crying himself out, you wanted to hug him and tell him everything was ok

"I was such an idiot to think that was you in the picture, I didn't give myself time to think that wasn't you...other relationships I've been in...they've given me trust issues and I thought this would end the same way" he confessed to you something you hadn't known

"I would never do that to you" you spoke out softly as you looked at him and leaned forward, caressing the side of the face you had slapped earlier, making you feel bad for hurting your lover

"I know...I know that but I just didn't think clearly and I started accusing you and screaming at you"

You looked to the side of him to see that there was a bag that seemed to be full of things you liked, food, drinks, a stuffed toy

You smiled lightly and put your forehead to his as you wiped the tears from his face

"If you give me one of the drinks in the bag, we can cuddle" you said, making Grayson give a breathy chuckle and nod as he handed you one of the drinks

"I brought some of your favorite foods and drinks...I don't know, I just thought they would help in some way" he confessed sheepishly, making you giggle

"This drink certainly helped" you said, giving him a smile

You set your drink to the side and opened your arms to Grayson, inviting him in for a hug

However, he picked you up instead and took you to your bedroom, where he set you down and got under the covers with you, cuddling with you

"Grayson...I love you" you said as you laid on his chest and heard his heartbeat quicken

"I love you too Y/N, so damn much"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now