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A/N: This was a request from @ShaylaSmith953. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you enjoy it!

g/n=girl's name

f/s=favorite store

"I'm really happy we're able to go out today, it's been a while since we've gone out like this" you commented as you looked at your hand intertwined with Grayson's

"Yea, I'm sorry about that, E and I had a project so we-"

"It's ok Gray, really, I understand if you're busy, you have a career to look forward to in your future"

"But you're part of my future too" he said as he hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek, making you giggle


"Oh my goodness! Gray bear is that you?" spoke a girl who was a few feet in front of you and Grayson

You looked at Grayson in confusion as he just shrugged his shoulders

The girl rushed over and pushed you aside to hug Grayson tightly, he cautiously also wrapped his arms around the girl, feeling bad he didn't remember her

"It's been forever Gray bear! How are you? What are you doing here?" she asked as twirled her hair flirtatiously

You cleared your throat and stepped between him and the weird girl who had just interrupted the date

You interlocked your hand with Grayson's to show the girl who you were and that she should respect the boundaries

"I'm actually on a date with my girlfriend, Y/N this is...uh..."

"I'm g/n, I was an assistant of Grayson's when he was on MTV" she said as she looked you up and down then turned her head back to Grayson

"Oh, oh yea, now I remember"

You weren't the bit amused by g/n attitude, but you decided to give her the benefit of the doubt since you had planned on leaving with Grayson now

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but we have to get going" you said as you took Grayson hand in yours and started walking away

"Ooo, let me come with you guys!" she said as she hooked her arm on to Grayson's free arm

You sighed quietly to yourself as you didn't want to cause a scene, hoping Grayson would tell the girl to leave

"Oh ok, we were just going to f/s" he spoke, making you mentally slap him for letting her join in on the date

"Oh I love that store!"

You rolled your eyes at her fakeness and left Grayson's hand, Grayson not noticing as he was too busy listening to what g/n was saying

"Ooo, Grayson can we get some ice cream?" you asked Grayson, making him turn his attention to you

As soon as he was about to say something, g/n spoke up, "Oh me too! I could really go for some ice cream right now" she said as she rubbed her stomach

"Sure thing, what kind of ice cream do you like?" he asked her, completely ignoring your comment

"Any is fine" she said as he started walking away, leaving you alone with g/n

"Stop going after something that isn't yours" you seethed at the girl in front of you

"Oh sweetheart, I have no idea what you're talking ab-"

"Cut the crap, I saw you following us ever since we entered the mall, I just assumed you were another fan of Grayson's but now I see that you're a psychopath"

"Hmm, well you're smarter than you look, that's for sure" she smirked evilly as she crossed her arm, "Grayson was supposed to ask me out, but then you appeared out of nowhere, I'm just taking back what was righteously mine, I'll make sure he pays no attention to you" she said as she turn to see Grayson coming back with three ice creams

"Here you go ladies" he said as he handed you yours first

"Thanks babe, I really appreciate it" you said as you kissed his cheek, making Grayson blush

"Yea, thanks a lot Gray bear" spoke g/n as she touched his arm and then she 'accidentally' dropped her ice cream...on you

"Oh no! I dropped my ice cream!" she said

"Really? I didn't notice" you said sarcastically as you tried to clean your shirt with the napkins Grayson had

"Do you need hel-"

"Grayson let's go to f/s!" g/n spoke quickly as he grabbed Grayson's hand and pulled him quickly to the store, leaving you with a ruined shirt

You huffed as you stood there for a moment to see if Grayson would come back for you, but as the moments passed by, Grayson didn't appear to come back

You went and stood outside the store as you could see them through the window of the store

You called Grayson and saw how he took out his phone, but g/n noticed and saw that you were looking at them through the window and she quickly dragged him away again, making him forget about you calling him

Your shirt ruined, your boyfriend forgetting and practically ignoring you, and the date completely ruined

Tears brimmed down your face as you grew exhausted of the whole situation

Meanwhile, g/n was making sure to keep Grayson busy with her, which was making Grayson feel a bit overwhelmed

"I think I should go look for Y/N" commented Grayson as he was about to step away, only for g/n to pull him back

"Gray bear, you don't need her-"

"She's my girlfrien-"

"Forget her! I'm better, I'm prettier, I'm smarter! Stay with me!"

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Grayson said as he pulled his hand back, "I would never leave Y/N"

"Then why are you here with me instead of with her?" she asked with a smirk as she crossed her arms

"Screw you" he hissed as he ran out of the store and started looking for you, he tried to call you but you didn't answer your phone, worrying him

He looked around the food court and saw you sitting on a bench, with your phone in your hands as tears streamed down your eyes and people discreetly looked at you

"Y/N!" Grayson called out as he ran to you and kneeled in front of you, "Sweethe-"

"What do you want Grayson? Aren't you having fun with g/n" you sassed

Grayson, not knowing how to respond, did the first thing that came to mind and kissed you

You pushed him away with a blush on your face, "you think a kiss is going to fix everything?" you muttered as you looked down

"How about some food? From your favorite restaurant, and we take it home and eat there, cuddled up together"

"And more kisses?" you asked shyly as you made eye contact with Grayson, making him smile, he nodded

"More kisses, for you and you only"

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