Perfect Life

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A/N: This was a special request! Thank you so much for this sweet and cute idea! I hope you like it! Requests are open!

f/d/n=first daughters name

s/d/n=second daughters name

s/n=sons name

"Kids! It's movie night!" Grayson spoke out so that the children would know to get ready to watch movies

It was Friday and every Friday was a movie night because that's when everyone gets out of school and work for the week and spending time with the family is always important

"I just told the kids to get ready" Grayson spoke to you as he went up behind you and hugged your waist, kissing your shoulder while you waited for the popcorn to be ready

"I know sweetie, I heard from all the way here" you giggled as you held his hand holding your waist, leaning your head onto your shoulder

It's moments like these that made you realize how lucky you were to meet Grayson and create the perfect little family with him

Growing up you weren't always given love, your parents were together, but it never felt like they loved each other, they never gave each other kisses, they rarely hugged, there was never love between them

It made you scared to grow up because you feared that the adult life would be lonely and with no love like your parents relationship

That was until you met Grayson

The way you met Grayson was an interesting experience, you had been reading and walking again on the sidewalk next to the beach

"Watch out!" screamed someone

You looked up and saw that a boy in a skateboard came towards you at full speed and rammed into you

You closed your eyes and waited for a painful impact, but instead you were met a firm, yet soft surface

You opened your eyes and met the eyes of the boy who had caused the fall

His eyes brown like the soil, but in the light, they surfaced as a hazel green

Both of you stayed like that for moment until you both got up and apologized to each other for what happened

That was the day that initiated the now perfect adult life you had

"Mommy, is the popcorn ready?" f/d/n asked as she carried her ten month old brother in her arms

"In a moment sweetie, ask s/d/n to get the bowls out, but ask her nicely"

"Ok mommy"

"You know, at first the girls didn't want a brother, but I guess they've gotten used to him huh?" Grayson asked remembering the little slip up you had with your third child

Your son wasn't planned, but it was always a blessing to bring a child into the universe

"Yea, they love him"

The microwave beeped as you got the popcorn out carried it to the bowls s/d/n brought out and poured the popcorn in them

Everyone decided on the Disney movie Brother Bear, however within the first half hour of the movie your three kids were all nicely sleeping

F/d/n fell asleep on the arm of the couch while s/d/n fell asleep on her shoulder and s/n fell asleep on your lap

The view was everything for you, this was what it felt like to have the perfect adult life, the perfect partner, the perfect family

"Grayson" you whispered to catch his attention

He turned to you and you pointed to your sleeping children

He chuckled quietly and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek



"Thank you...thanks for the perfect life"

Grayson Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now