The New Cafe

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A/N: This is a request from @yourlocalh0tti3. Thank you so much for the request! Let me know if you liked this!

"E, I'm heading out" spoke Grayson as he grabbed the keys to his car

"Where are you going?"

"There's a cafe that opened up recently. Everytime I go for my morning jogs I see it, it looks pretty neat from the outside but I've never seen it from the inside so I'm gonna go check it out" Grayson responded

It was true, about a month ago a new cafe had opened near where the twins lived and Grayson had become intrigued every since he saw it was open

He drove to the cafe which was about five minutes from their home and stepped foot into the new cafe

It was around ten in the morning and there didn't seem to be too many people, he ordered a coffee with a pastry and sat down in a table near the back of the cafe

He was enjoying his coffee when he heard the door to the cafe open, in walked the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, if he didn't believe in love at first sight before, he certainly did now

Everything seemed to be in slow motion for Grayson as you took off your helmet swiftly and shook your hair out a bit as you went into the cafe with your electric scooter

"Good morning Gertrude" you said as you made yourself to the counter where an older lady was taking the orders

"Ah, good morning Y/N, you always right on time, here's your drink"

"Couldn't miss coming to my favorite cafe" you smiled to the lady as you paid for your drink and made your way over to the windowsill with your scooter and sat down, enjoying the morning view

Grayson was just mesmerized by you, how is it that he can become so encaptured by a stranger?

What do I do? What do I do? Should I talk to her? What if I look like a creep?

Grayson thought to himself as he just looked at your features while you sipped from your drink

Grayson sighed out as he walked over to you with no plan on what to say

You noticed a man, a rather handsome one, approach you and stand in front of you, just looking at you

"Umm, hello?" you said trying not to make anything awkward for the poor man who seemed nervous out of his mind

"I...umm, I think you're very pretty!" he said rather loudly and quickly

"Oh, umm thank you very much" you said with a nervous smile

"My name is Grayson..."

"Oh, I'm Y/N, why don't you have a seat?" you said as you offered him to sit next to you and the awkward silence began

"I see you have an electric scooter" he said, trying to initiate a normal conversation with you

And that's when things between the two of you started going off smoothly, everyday Grayson would come in a little earlier than you and wait by the windowsill with your drink so you could both hang out

You guys had become closer and closer everyday, learning new and different things about each other, you had even become bold enough to kiss his cheek when you last saw him

Grayson touched his cheek and looked at you, until everything became black

Noises of a monitor woke up Grayson as he looked around and saw he was in a hospital bed

"Grayson! Thank goodness you woke up!" Ethan said as he got up from his seat and ran over to his brother

"What happened?" asked Grayson as he had no recollection of how he ended up in the hosptial

That day had been like all the other days, you had left home on your scooter to meet Grayson, you entered the cafe excited to see him, but you saw that another girl was sitting next to him

You become jealous seeing the girl so up close to Grayson, you started walking to them and stood in front of them, waiting for one of them to acknowledge you, until you cleared your throat

"Oh Y/N, he-"

"You're in my seat" you spoke rather snappy at the girl as she gave you a dirty look

"I was just leaving anyway, bye handsome, call me" she said flirtily to Grayson as she kissed the corner of Grayson's lips and leaves, flipping her hair as you scoffed and crossed your arms, looking to the side

"Here I thought that we could've had something" you muttered as Grayson's cheek tinted with pink

"W-we can! She just-"

"She just kissed you as if she were your girlfriend, what more could you ask for right? I should've known you were one of those guys?"

"One of those guys?"

"Yea, those who like to lead girls on and then dump them"

"Why are you getting so worked about, not like we're dating anway!" he snapped

"'re right, it's not like we're dating" you said as you stomped away and to your scooter to go back home

"Y/N, wait!" called Grayson, but you just ignored him as he chased after you

You were crossing the road but didn't look both ways before crossing, you hadn't seen that there was a car going at a high speed heading towards you

Grayson saw the car approaching you quickly, he sprinted towards you and covered you with his body to prevent you from getting hit

"And that's what happened, at least that's what Y/N said"

"Where is she? Is she ok?" Grayson asked worried

"She's in critical condition, but it looks like she'll make- what are you doing?!" Ethan said as Grayson disconnected himself from everything

"I need to go see her, please, take me to her room" pleased the younger twin

"...fine" spoke Ethan as he sneaked Grayson into your room

Grayson saw your sleeping body, all covered in scrapes and bruises

"I'm so sorry" he said as he held your hand and put his forehead against yours, tears freely running down his face

"I shouldn't have let you leave, I should've gotten to you sooner" he whispered

"It's not your fault" you said as you caressed his cheek, startling him a bit before relaxing in your touch

"I'm sorry I ran off like carelessly, I-I just got jealous cause I really like you Grayson and-"

Grayson cut you off with a sweet kiss to your lips, you didn't hesitate to kiss back

"I like you too" he chuckled, making you smile

You moved to one side of the hospital bed and let him into the bed with you, hugging his torso and cuddling into him as he pulled you onto his chest, staying like that for night and both happy on how everything ended

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