Alone Time

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A/N: This was a request from @chanyeol_stark. Thank you so much for the request and I hope you enjoy it!

"Look Y/N! Let's take a picture here!"

"Y/N look over there!"

"Ooo look at this"

What was supposed to be a nice trip with your boyfriend and his family, turned out to just be a wild trip with his family

You loved Grayson's family, no doubt about it

You knew his cousin's and their parents birthdays

You even knew the dog's birthday

For some reason, they loved you, how whole family adored you, saying you were the best girlfriend he's had

It wasn't a bad thing that they loved, but whenever you tried having some alone time with Grayson, one of them would always interrupt

"Hey babe" you spoke tiredly, walking into the room you and Grayson would share for the night

You plopped down and cuddled into his chest while he soothed your back

"Long day?" he asked with a chuckle as he saw how his family had you running all over the place with them

"You have no idea" you mumbled as you closed your eyes, listening to the soothing heartbeat of your boyfriend

"What did you do?"

"I hiked with your cousin's, walked around the lake with your aunts, your uncles wanted me to try the burgers they made and make me choose which one was the best, then your smaller cousin wanted me to give him a piggyback ride, I was so tired"

"Aww, they love you a lot"

"I know...but I just want to spend some time alone with you" you pouted at him, putting your chin on his chest to look up at him

"Me too" Grayson confessed as he scooted down to be head level with you, "I missed you a lot today"

"This trip...I feel like it was supposed to bring us closer, instead, I feel closer with your family. Which isn't a bad thing...I just wanted to be around you more"

"Yea, I get it" Grayson agreed

"Y/N! Let's play hide n seek!" Spoke one of Grayson's cousins as the busted in through the door

You internally groaned as you were about to get up, but Grayson pulled you back to his chest

"She's actually not feeling well, so she's resting right now" Grayson lied as his cousin formed a pout on their face

"Oh, I understand" they said as they walked out

"You are a lifesaver" You said with a small chuckle

"I think I deserve a kiss for that grand performance" he suggested as you were about to lean in for a kiss until there was a knock on the door, making you sigh

"Yea?" spoke out Grayson

"Gray, sweetie, one of the kids told me Y/N is sick, I have some tea for her to drink if she'd like"

"I-uh, she's actually fallen asleep auntie-"

"Oh that's fine, we'll just wake her up" she said as she was about to open the door, but Grayson stood up quickly to greet her at the door

"Hey, I don't think it's a good idea for her to wake up, you know she's been running around a lot today and she probably got tired, I think it's best to let her rest for the next few days" Grayson spoke as he tried to persuade his aunt to go away

"Oh my! That is true, the kids had her running around like crazy lately"

Not just the the kids thought Grayson as he just nodded at his aunt

"Ok, well, just call us if she needs anything, ok? We'll let her rest for the next few days and see how she's doing"

Grayson nodded as he waved his aunt goodbye and sighed, walking back to lay on the bed with you

"Well, I think tha-" he spoke but you cut him off by cupping his cheeks and pulling him into a soft and sweet kiss on the lips

"I think that was a well deserved kiss" you whispered

"Mmm, I think I deserve more than a kiss" Grayson whispered back while he pulled your leg above his and rubbed your thigh gently

"But I'm really tired" you pouted again at your boyfriend

He smiled as he pulled the blanket over the both of you

"We do have the next few days to ourselves"

"Mhmm, we have plenty of time to do whatever you want" you spoke as you started closing your eyes

Grayson stayed silent for a moment before answering you

As he was about to speak he heard your breathing and realized you had already fallen asleep

"Goodnight Y//N"

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