The Tournament

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"Anyone who wishes to sign up for the royal tournament, make your way here and write your name down!" spoke one of your father's guards as you watched from the window of your room in the castle

"Stupid tournament, people always get hurt" you muttered as you then looked down at the garden and saw your boyfriend crossing over the walls of the castle while the guards weren't looking

You smiled as you quickly made your way downstairs and to the most reserved part of the garden, where almost no one ever went to

The garden was like a big maze filled with trees and tall sunflowers and many other flowers

You had been growing this garden for years now and you were quite proud of the work you'd done

You turned the corner where you were supposed to meet with your boyfriend, Grayson

Grayson was a special person who was very well known throughout the whole kingdom

Although he was just a commoner, he had much experience in every different kind of job, from being a carpenter to being a blacksmith to knowing how to cook and bake, everyone thought he would be a great husband some day

All the girls in the kingdom wanted him, however, you were the one who caught his eye

There was a time where you had escaped from the castle, running away from your father because he had wanted you to do something against your own will, and you weren't about to let that happen

You bumped into Grayson on the way out, afraid he would recognize you, you ran away and then ran into a horse as you fell to the ground

Startled, the horse got on its hind legs as it was about to stomp down on you, you closed your eyes waiting for the impact, but instead heard someone grunt from in front of you

You opened your eyes to see that the boy from earlier had taken the stomp for you and had collapsed in front of you

You quickly took him through the back of the castle and into the room of the main chef who also happened to be you Nana, there she helped you take care of the boy until he woke up

You explained the situation to him and begged for forgiveness which he thoughtlessly gave to you, not wanting to see you cry, and that was where it all started

Fast forward to now ,where you were waiting for him, however he jumped from a bush and scared you, making him cackle out

"Th-that wasn't funny Grayson!" you pouted as you turned away from him, crossing your arms

"Aww, I'm sorry princess, it was just me" he said softly as he wrapped his arms behind you and kissed your shoulders softly, up to your neck

"I could never stay mad at you" you said with a smile as you turned around and hugged him tightly

"I made something for you" he said as he pulled out his bag and put a flower crown on your head, "beautiful" he whispered as you smiled at him

"I love it!"

You and him then sat on the grass, you laid against his chest, in between his legs as he had his head resting on your shoulder, talking about each other's day

"The tournament is starting soon" mentioned Grayson

"Yea, tomorrow, but I hate that father always hosts this stupid tournament, people always end up getting hurt"

"At least the winner gets a prize out of it and one wish from your father"

"Yea, but what about everyone else who didn't win?" you said concerned, something that Grayson loved about you your worriedness for others, even if you didn't know them, "he should at least change the event tournament. Every year it's the same, people in armor and with swords fighting in one big circle, and the winner is the last one standing" you exclaimed as you made Grayson chuckle and kiss your cheek

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