Photo Booth

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y/bf/n= your best friends name

"Where are you taking me Gray?" you asked as you were being carried by Grayson to god knows where while also being blindfolded

"It's a surprise!" he said excitedly

Today was your guys' one year anniversary. It all started a year ago at a carnival, you were walking with your best friend to a photo booth to take some cute pictures

"I'm so excited" your best friend squealed making you laugh at her child like behavior, you were paying too much attention to her to notice someone walking your way with a drink in their hand

You and that person bumped into each other, having the whole drink being spilt on you, you weren't mad because accidents happen, but you certainly weren't happy about the incident

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

"It's ok" you said as you tried to squeeze out the liquid from your shirt, you looked up at the person and saw a very attractive boy with hazel green eyes and a soft smile

"No it's not, I should've seen where I was going" he replied nervously

"Hey, it takes two to spill a drink on someone, I should've watched where I was going too" you said

Meanwhile your best friend went to get paper towels and came back quickly to help you dry off

"How are we going to take our pictures now? You can't go in with a stain on your shirt" she whined

"Oh uh, here you can use my hoodie" said the guy as he took off his hoodie while the guy next to him smirked at his actions

"You don't have to-"

"I want to" he said giving you his hoodie to wear

"I don't even know your name"

"Grayson, and this is my brother Ethan" he said shaking your hand

"I'm Y/N and this is y/bf/n"

"Do you guys want to hangout with us?" your best friend asked as she clearly noticed your interest in the Grayson boy

"Sure" chimes in Ethan as he walked alongside of your best friend towards the photo booth while you and Grayson trailed behind them, getting to know each other

You all got there soon enough, "here Y/N and I will take some pictures first and then I want to take some with Ethan" she said as winked at Ethan and got into the booth with you

"Oh my gosh, Ethan and I are really hitting it off!" she said excitedly "what about you and Grayson?"

"Oh, umm I don't know, he seems like a nice guy" you said nervously, not wanting to admit the real feelings you've managed to develop for the boy in the few minutes you've known him

"Ok well, you're gonna take pictures with him too so I'm just saying, smile!"

Next your friend and Ethan took pictures while you and Grayson waited for them

"So...Ethan and your friend are really hitting it off" mentioned Grayson

"Yea she seems to like him a lot"

"I'll be straight with you, I like you, although I just met you, I just feel like we have some sort of connection, I don't know it's probably nothing, forget I said anything" Grayson rambled leaving you speechless

You were about to respond until Ethan and your best friend got out signaling for you and Grayson to go in next

You both got in, but the space was small, so Grayson sat down first and you sat on his lap

Before starting the picture taking process, you confessed to Grayson, "You know it's weird, I also feel like we have this sort of connection, this sort of spark between us, and yea we just met, but it doesn't feel like that"

Grayson looked at you shocked, while you pressed on the screen giving you ten seconds to set up for the pictures

"Y-Y/N, I-" Grayson stuttered but you cut him off with a kiss just when the picture was taken, then you pulled away and rested your forehead against his, in time for another picture, Grayson cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately in time for the next picture, and the last picture, was of you and him with your foreheads against each other, smiling, at that moment both of you knew, you were in love

Which brings you guys to now, you being carried by Grayson while blindfolded and with earplugs so you had no idea where you were going

You were finally set down and you took off your earplugs while Grayson took off your blindfolded. You opened your eyes and saw that you were in the carnival you had met Grayson and standing in front of the booth that you fell in love with him in

"Aww babe" you said with your heart melting with the sweetness of Grayson to take you to the photo booth, you both entered with you sitting on Graysons lap

"Remember how we met?" Grayson asked

"How could I forget, you spilt your drink on me"

"Yea...I may have done that on purpose" he chuckled

"Grayson!" you said as you hit him lightly on the chest, "you ruined a perfectly good shirt I had" you laughed

"I think it was worth it" he whispered as he pressed on the screen, getting ready for the pictures to be taken, it's like it was the first time you two met

You both got out of the booth and you went to retrieve the pictures, "aww Grayson, look at these-" you turned around to see Grayson on one knee in front of you

Grayson took one of your hands in his, "Y/N, one year ago, we met here, at this carnival, when I first saw you I thought you were absolutely stunning, I fell for someone I didn't know, but I knew I had to get to know them, that's why I bumped into you with that drink, and when we went to the photo booth and you told me that you felt the same way, I knew at that moment that you were the one I want to spend my whole life with. I guess you could say it was love at first sight" he said making you chuckle while tears of happiness escaped your eyes

"Y/N, I love you so much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, through the ups and downs, through the good and the bad, I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else, other than you. So Y/N, will you marry me?" he finished pulling out a small box from his pocket and opening it to reveal a ring

You nodded your head quickly, "yes Grayson, yes, yes I will marry you!" You squealed excitedly as Grayson put the ring on your finger and stood up, hugging you and twirling you around in the hug

He set your down and pecked your lips, "I love you Y/N" he whispered to you

"And I love you"

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